
Friday, December 18, 2020

Building A Church In Castle Rock

This is Day 5 of 12 Days of Christmas on our YouTube Channel. Thank you for taking a few minutes each day to watch. Let us know what you think. It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Building A Church In Castle Rock
I told you about preaching for Pastor James McCoy the last Sunday we were in Colorado. We had outdoor service the first Sunday in December in Castle Rock, Colorado. There was snow on the ground, but it was 60 degrees. It almost felt sort of warm standing in the sun. We had a wonderful service and we loved getting to be with Bro. James and his people.

I did receive a few questions about us having service outside in December. I do not know everything, but I do have answers for that.

Liberty Holiness Church in Castle Rock has been leasing a children's dance studio for their services for a few years. It has suited them perfectly. It was in town, it was a great meeting place and most of all it was affordable in an extremely unaffordable city.

They were leasing the worship space from a business that was leasing the whole building from the owner. The dance studio used the building during the day and the church used it on Sundays and sometimes at night. When Colorado locked down businesses, the dance studio could not operate. Eventually, the dance studio could not afford their lease and lost their business.

Since the church was sub-leasing from the dance studio, they no longer had access to the building. Ugh!

All spring and summer the church has been having service in the yard of the McCoy's house when weather permitted it. Someone came through and preached for them and had the idea for the church to build a pole barn for services. Several churches got on board and now they have a pole barn up with a concrete floor.

What you see above is almost completely paid for. It will take several more thousand to finish inside, but they are well on their way to having it completed enough to have church service. We have helped twice and we intend to help some more as we are able. I thought that some of you might want to get involved too.

I will put the mailing address and PayPal address below and you can contribute directly to the church if you like.

There is another way you can help too. The church needs favor with the county. If I understand correctly, the county was OK with them having services in the building as long as the congregation was under a certain number. The county is crawfishing on that now and they need God to settle this for them.

Please pray that God will work all of this out and provide everything they need to have church in that building on that land.

Thank you for reading today.


Liberty Holiness Church
P.O. Box 1974
Castle Rock, CO 80104

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