
Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Green Machine - An Extremely Low Mileage Year

We have been putting miles behind us this week so I suppose it is appropriate to write about miles on the Green Machine.😊

This was a very low mileage year on The Green Machine. In fact, the last 12 months have been the lowest mileage year since I have owned my own car. My first car was purchased in the summer before my senior year and I put nearly 50,000 miles on it by the time I bought another car in October of the next year.

We have never looked back! Some years KJo and I put 90,000 miles per year on whatever combination of cars we owned at the time. Several more years we put 70,000 miles or more.

We have not been driving near that many miles for a long time, but The Green Machine really got a break this year!

In November 2019, the original transmission failed on our 2006 Envy Green Scion xB, AKA The Green Machine. It is hard to believe, but we seriously considered not fixing the car and leaving it to fend for itself in California.

In the end, we decided to get The Green Machine up and going one more time and get serious about saving for a replacement. I wrote recently HERE and HERE about our thought process concerning our next vehicle.

We are half-heartedly on the hunt for a replacement now, but we are praying and weighing options carefully. We want to purchase the right "next" car the first time.😁

It has now been a year since we had the transmission replaced and the Green Machine has performed fine. However, it is amazing that we have not put very many miles on it at all. 

The Green Machine had 197,962 driving miles when the transmission was replaced. The transmission went out on November 25 and we picked it up from the repair garage on December 4. As of December 4, 2020, the Green Machine had 207292 miles.

That means for the first time ever, we drove our car less than 10,000 miles! Wow! That is amazing. Of course, COVID had a lot to do with that. I want COVID to take a hike, but I could get used to low miles like that.

We have never, never, never put less than 10,000 miles on a car in a year! But we have now.

It will be interesting to see what happens in 2021. Thank you for reading Mile Markers today.


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