
Sunday, January 31, 2021

View Out The Front Window 1/31/2021

Odie and I woke up this morning feeling crummy. We do not want to necessarily expose anyone to COVID so I called Pastor Michael Brandon and informed him we were not feeling well. He put us in touch with a lady in his church that works at the local hospital and within minutes, we were getting a rapid test.

Unfortunately, Odie and I both tested positive for COVID. Obviously, revivals this week and next week are canceled. We are trying to decide exactly what to do, but we are leaning toward trying to drive home, while I am still feeling almost human.

Kelly Jo is doing fine. She tested positive for antibodies in the early winter, so she has had COVID at some point, probably early on. We are still trying to be very careful around her.

I want to do the best thing and being at home feels like the right thing at the moment. Please pray for us. Thank you

View Out The Front Window
This was our view out the front window of the BoggsMobile at a Walmart in Livingston, Texas.

This was our view out the front window at a rest area in Texas.

This was our view out the front window at a TA truck stop in Greenwood, Louisiana.

This is our view out the front window this week in Bernice, Louisiana.

Sunday Morning Sanity
Every man dies. Not every man really lives. 
William Wallace
(Sent to me by Bro. Bruce Mayhan)

Thank you for stopping by for a moment today.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Odie’s Wyze Choice

Hey Friends,

We have now reached another Saturday. This is Odie checking in with you. How are you doing this week? Thanks for visiting with me for a moment.

Do you have time for a product review? Let me say, this post is not sponsored. I just like to tell you about the great products that I enjoy.  Today I wanted to share with you one of my best purchases of 2020. This product will continue to be a favorite for a long time. My purchase was a "Wyze Choice".

I use headphones daily in the BoggsMobile. Last year I decided that I wanted a nice pair of headphones. I was done buying several pairs of cheap headphones a  year. That began my search for a good deal. I did not want to break the bank.

Wyze is a tech company that produces quality and super affordable products.  We have tried several of the Wyze items. We really like their stuff. Visit their website here.

Last fall Wyze announced the addition of noise canceling headphones. I was thrilled to get this news! When they were available for pre-order, I quickly placed my order. A couple months later my package arrived from Wyze.


The first thing I have to say about these headphones, the sound quality is excellent. The Wyze headphones work either wired or via Bluetooth. The Bluetooth battery is rechargeable. It charges quickly and lasts for a long time. It is really quick to pair to a device. They are easy to control.

They also have the wonderful noise cancellation feature that can be turned off and on by pressing one button. It is nice to be able to block the noise for a moment.

I love that the headphones are compact easy to use.


It comes with an nice bag for storage.

I absolutely love how comfortable these headphones are to wear. It feels like a pillow surrounding my ears.I have worn them for hours.

These headphones really are amazing! I highly recommend them. Right now they have sold them for $50 plus shipping. That price for the quality is a fantastic deal!

While I am compiling this post, I see that they are currently sold out on the Wyze website. Click here to see more information about the headphones. They should be restocked soon.

Well, I will close for now. Let me know if you get a pair of these headphones. I would like to know your opinion. Thank you for reading.


Friday, January 29, 2021

A Week of Revival

I received this picture this morning of little Charlie, our great-nephew watching revival with his Aunt Selah and I want you to see it!

It was been a week of work, rolling and revival. We traveled Sunday night, Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon, but we have been in revival all week long. 

Here is the Thursday night service

Yes, our scheduled revival was postponed because of COVID, but KJo, Odie and I have been having ourselves a time each and every night in the BoggsMobile. We have had tangled mess of technical challenges, but so far we have had church each night.

Tonight will be the last night of online revival and then we will begin another "in person" revival Sunday morning in Bernice, Louisiana by God's grace. We are excited to be with Pastor Michael Brandon and his folks again.

Our days have been full of bookwork this week. January is the deadline for a lot of the financial side of Boggs Family Ministries and it has to be done. I am waiting for Odie to marry a CPA math wizard so I can give him her hand and the ministry books!😍

A Lost Service
We really did have revival service in the BoggsMobile Monday night. It was on our YouTube channel Monday night, all day Tuesday and at least some of Wednesday. It disappeared sometime Wednesday and it has not been seen or heard from since. The rest of the nights seem to be fine.

I have no idea where it went OR if it is coming back. 🙄

I do not know how things like this happen, but if I understood computers and the internet, I would probably be in a basement somewhere typing and hacking and developing the next big internet search engine, Boggle.

The audio from the lost service Monday night is on our Mixlr page. I suppose that I could learn how to post the audio on YouTube and restore at least that much, IF I need to, but the video seems gone forever.

We only have a very few pictures from the week. We did not eat out, we did not go to town and we were not in personal contact with anyone else. This is all you get for Revival In Pictures this week. Maybe you will have better luck next Friday.

From Sis. Renae Smith joining revival from Kentucky.

Our friend Ken Connell joining us from Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Thank you for checking on us today. May God bless you with a super great weekend.


Thursday, January 28, 2021

Another Blue Ox

I told you about the Jeep that is bouncing along behind the BoggsMobile now. In order to pull anything with the bus, the vehicle being towed has to have a little adaptation.

The new Blue Ox tow bar that hooks the bus to the car we are towing, but that is not all the story. There must be a solid place on the car where you can fasten the tow bar. To accomplish that, it is necessary to install a base plate on the car.

In our case, the baseplate is also manufactured by Blue Ox and is pretty involved to install. Each model car requires a specific model tow bar. Jeff Rowe's guys at East Tennessee Luxury Coach installed the new base plate on the Jeep. They also wired up the lights to work properly when towed.

This is what it looks like when finished. 

You can remove the shiny tabs when you are not towing and the car looks normal, but we usually leave them in. They are "shin getters" if you are not careful when walking by though.

On this Jeep, you have to temporarily remove the windshield washer fluid tank during the base plate install. It looks like some kind of creature.

Now that this is completed, the Jeep should be set to go as long as we own it. It is time to roll some miles and I think we are going to get a chance to do that this year.

Thank you for dropping by.


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Word For Wednesday - The Secret of The Scarecrow

Because of a schedule change, we have been having revival in the bus the last two nights.

Sometime between early this morning and 3:30 this afternoon, Monday night's revival video completely disappeared from YouTube and it says that I removed it! It is absolutely nowhere to be found and I have no idea where it went! Ugh!

I am checking into it, but so far I am finding nothing. Let us hope this does not become a regular occurrence.

A Word For Wednesday
Today is A Word For Wednesday and you will find it on our YouTube Channel as well.

I am telling a story that I read from F.W. Boreham many years ago. I love this story. I have used it in sermons probably dozens of times. I hope it speaks to you today.

Thank you for stopping by today.


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Some Mixed Emotions!😁🤣🤔😢

I heard 40 years ago that mixed emotions were watching your mother in law drive off a cliff in your new Cadillac. 

Well, I really do not desire a new Cadillac and I like my mother in law. So I do not have anything going on like that, but I do have some conflicting sentiments bouncing around in my head at the moment.

It is with a good dose of mixed emotions that I announce today that we found a car to follow the Green Machine and that we left the Green Machine home three weeks ago. I can not bring myself to say that it will "replace" the Green Machine. Nothing can "replace" a member of the family, but something must follow it.

We have owned our 2006 Envy Green Scion xB since May 2012. It has been our main mode of transportation for our day to day needs for 8 years and 7 months. That qualifies the Green Machine as the longest we have ever owned any passenger car or truck by a pretty good distance.

We have driven many cars into the sunset of their lives, but none of the others have ever lasted this long. This has been a great car that suited our needs completely in so many ways.

Our plan for the moment is to store the Green Machine on the ranch and use it for an extra car when we are home. If we are going out for a few weeks with the tent trailer for tent revivals, we may pull the Green Machine into the trailer and use it during the tent revivals as well.

Here is the Green Machine as it begins road retirement with 208,024 miles at over 14 years old.

We are very thankful that we were able to use the Green Machine as our main car for so many years. When we purchased it, I wished aloud that it would last until 2020. It has done that and more.

We have been without a car payment all that time. That has enabled us to put money in many other places rather than the banker's pocket. We were able to put money into City Reach, building the house for Odie, Missions, Home Missions, church construction and other places. We are so thankful for that.

That makes me almost feel guilty and a little ashamed to finally spend money buying another car. 

However, Last year we saw the handwriting on the wall and knew we better start getting more serious about saving money for a different car. Then came the pandemic lockdown and we thought we may have to kick the car idea down the road.

Yet, here we are. Even in the pandemic, we were able to keep our Mission and Home Mission commitments, give spontaneously and put back some for a vehicle. All of this was due to the grace of God and the kindness of His people. We are praising God that we were able to travel and work as much as we were able!

Then we had some gifts that came to us personally, outside of the ministry, specifically for a car. We had also received money back for our vacation in the spring that was cut short due to COVID. That freed up cash for a car too. Recently we moved from a casual search to a serious search.

We searched and prayed, searched some more and prayed some more. We did not want to purchase the wrong car. Time will tell if we made the correct decision, but we finally settled the matter as best we could.

Some of you may remember Mr. Cheap Jeep that we pulled from 2008 to 2011. We loved that little Jeep and KJo especially has missed it since the day we retired it and sold it. 
Here is Mr. Cheap Jeep next to the bus during the historic Tulsa Blizzard in February 2011.

Mr. Cheap Jeep among the Redwoods in northern California in 2010.

Mr. Cheap Jeep behind the BoggsMobile at Umatilla, Oregon 2010.

Mr. Cheap Jeep was a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4WD that a friend sold us cheap, hence the name. I am happy to say that the next car after the Green Machine is another Jeep.

Our new Jeep is a 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 4WD. We did not purchase it from a friend and it was not as cheap as the 1995 so we will have to come up with a new name.

It had 30,630 miles when we purchased it and it has the balance of the 7 year/100,000 mile powertrain warranty. It was placed in service in September 2017 so the engine and transmission should be warrantied for nearly 70,000 miles and nearly 4 years. Hopefully, we never need it.

The first time we drove it after bringing it home, we filled it with gasoline. The tank is over twice the size of the Green Machine and that is a good thing.

We drove in this for about 90 minutes the first evening.

Here it is loaded with the wheelchairs and ready to go south.

Here it is hooked to the new Blue Ox tow bar. We have already pulled it nearly 1200 miles.

I have since added an extension to the receiver on the bus. Although the new tow bar is a bit longer than the old one, the attachment points on the Jeep are much further apart and that shortens the actual distance. 

Also, the Green Machine required a drop down attachment since it was so much lower than the bus. The drop down added an additional ten inches in length.

Although we left the Green Machine at home, it is not completely out of sight. It is still on my key chain courtesy of my dear friend, Galen Cummins!😍

Most of you know that we name everything. I even give Odie a new name every day or two.🤣 We love it when names feel like they are RIGHT. Maybe that will happen in the next few weeks.

My brother Steve sent a great list of names and we have thought of many and nothing feels perfect yet. For now, we are calling it, The Jeep. Can we do better? Leave a comment with suggestions. Ultimately, we will call it whatever feels right, but we are open to ideas.

Whatever the name, not jumping in the Green Machine is going to take some getting used to, that is for sure. He sure looked lonely when we left.

Thank you for dropping in today.
