
Friday, January 29, 2021

A Week of Revival

I received this picture this morning of little Charlie, our great-nephew watching revival with his Aunt Selah and I want you to see it!

It was been a week of work, rolling and revival. We traveled Sunday night, Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon, but we have been in revival all week long. 

Here is the Thursday night service

Yes, our scheduled revival was postponed because of COVID, but KJo, Odie and I have been having ourselves a time each and every night in the BoggsMobile. We have had tangled mess of technical challenges, but so far we have had church each night.

Tonight will be the last night of online revival and then we will begin another "in person" revival Sunday morning in Bernice, Louisiana by God's grace. We are excited to be with Pastor Michael Brandon and his folks again.

Our days have been full of bookwork this week. January is the deadline for a lot of the financial side of Boggs Family Ministries and it has to be done. I am waiting for Odie to marry a CPA math wizard so I can give him her hand and the ministry books!😍

A Lost Service
We really did have revival service in the BoggsMobile Monday night. It was on our YouTube channel Monday night, all day Tuesday and at least some of Wednesday. It disappeared sometime Wednesday and it has not been seen or heard from since. The rest of the nights seem to be fine.

I have no idea where it went OR if it is coming back. 🙄

I do not know how things like this happen, but if I understood computers and the internet, I would probably be in a basement somewhere typing and hacking and developing the next big internet search engine, Boggle.

The audio from the lost service Monday night is on our Mixlr page. I suppose that I could learn how to post the audio on YouTube and restore at least that much, IF I need to, but the video seems gone forever.

We only have a very few pictures from the week. We did not eat out, we did not go to town and we were not in personal contact with anyone else. This is all you get for Revival In Pictures this week. Maybe you will have better luck next Friday.

From Sis. Renae Smith joining revival from Kentucky.

Our friend Ken Connell joining us from Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Thank you for checking on us today. May God bless you with a super great weekend.



  1. BroDavy, You've just got to get some gold wheels (rims) for KJeep for it appears to be lost behind the BoggsMobile with those black wheels...


  2. Bro. Frankie,
    Actually the wheels on the Jeep are grey, but they do appear black in the pictures. I am with you though, gold sounds great!

    I would like to have smaller rims. These are 18s and I have seen 17s on this same model. I would like to see what 16s look like.



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