
Monday, January 25, 2021

The Weekend Write-up 1/25/2021

You will understand more as this post goes on, but we want you to know that we are going to TRY to have some online revival services this week, beginning tonight, Monday at 8:00 PM Eastern. This is based almost exclusively on the availability of internet or phone signal so we will see how it goes.

It is time for the description of our weekend and there two broad statements that wrap it up concisely. This weekend Did Not go as planned, but the whole weekend was near about perfect!

Friday night was the final night of revival at Full Gospel Lighthouse in Sweeny, Texas and a wonderful night of revival it was! When service was over, we took down the sound system and the folks helped us load it in the BoggsMobile.

We visited a while afterward and we hated to say goodbye to Pastor Lamb and all of the saints. We know that time is coming every week, it is our least favorite part of revival.

Odie snapped a few pictures.

Saturday morning we were rolling by 7:45 on our way to revival in Louisiana, but we had a stop to make on the east side of Houston. We were meeting Rudy Legget and his wife Carolyn for lunch at Monument Inn at San Jacinto Battlefield.

Long time and attentive readers may remember Rudy is based on the east side of Houston and helped us more than a few times with knowledge and hands-on work on the Aqua Hot system that our bus used to have.

He stopped by to see us in Sweeny last year to shake and howdy.

This year he noticed we were coming through and planned ahead. He invited us to join them for a special meal and we enjoyed the food and the fellowship very much. The Blackened Tilapia was tremendous! Wow!

We sure appreciate Rudy thinking of us and treating us to a wonderful lunch! There were smiles all around. See?

Saturday afternoon we received word that our revival in Louisiana, scheduled to begin the next day was going to have to be postponed due to a Covid case. That always seems to disorient me a bit when that happens, but it is part of doing our job at this point, so it is completely understandable.

What to do now? We were not far from a church where we have preached many revivals and we determined to slip in there unannounced. They had just closed revival so we figured we would get to hear some preaching, visit great friends and then mosey toward our next revival. 

First, we had to find a place to get off the road and park a couple of hours. Saturday was the day for the annual board meeting for Boggs Family Ministries. I need good phone signal and some peace and quiet for that.

That was done by about 5:00 and we decided to stay right there in the truck stop. Some of you noticed our view picture was from a truck stop in Texas rather than a church in Louisiana and now you know why.

Sunday morning we slipped into Beech Creek Assembly in Livingston, Texas to hear Pastor Don Goodwin preach. He did preach after we sang for about 20-30 minutes.😍 It worked out pretty good and we enjoyed the presence of the Lord, a great meal and wonderful fellowship!

We had a great day in Livingston and as far as backup plans go, it was not bad at all! I did pretty good at choosing an alternate plan this time. Thank you to Pastor Don Goodwin and our friends at Beech Creek for opening their arms to us!

Please pray for the people that have COVID, especially the ones in Pine Prairie. Thank you for stopping by.


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