
Monday, March 15, 2021

The Weekend Write Up 3/15/21

This past Thursday, Ohio lowered the eligibility age for receiving the COVID vaccine to 50 years of age. That takes us in by a decent margin. 😁

Odie scrounged around and found availability and appointments for me and Kelly Jo. Friday morning we drove to a pharmacy a few towns away, walked in, got our arms pricked, waited a few minutes for adverse reactions and then made our way home.

Odie was already scheduled for her vaccination at the health department on Saturday. Her shot went well too. All three of us have a few aches and side effects, but so far so good.

There are a number of people that are not going to take the vaccine and some of them are my friends and acquaintances. I understand their hesitancy and I do not believe that anyone should be forced to receive a vaccine that has been approved for emergency use, or really any vaccine.

However, COVID knocked me off my feet. The very first symptom I felt was in my lungs and my lungs are not near right yet. I did consider waiting a while longer to take the vaccine, but I only considered it about two seconds. When it was available, I was ready.

Over the last year, we have been very careful to do everything we could reasonably do to avoid being affected by COVID and we plan to continue to be very careful in the future. For us, that carefulness included receiving the vaccine.

If the vaccine is not for you, that is completely fine with me. I hope you will extend the same grace to us.

Dear Friends!
A big highlight of our weekend was a super visit from our dear friends, Pastor Alan and Sis. Tammy Harris. They were up from Central City, Kentucky for a wedding and they took time out of their busy schedule to come by and see us. We love these dear friends and we were so happy they thought enough of us to drive out of their way to visit us.

I spent most of Friday evening and Saturday evening preparing to preach on Sunday night. We appreciate the local Pastors that have invited us to preach while we are home. I may not be able to sing and preach at 100%, but they are still asking us. I am thankful for their graciousness toward our family.

We had a great time with our friends at Anchor of Hope Sunday night. We sure appreciate Pastor EJ Lamb for inviting us and for his people receiving us so warmly. We had a wonderful time.

Odie snapped a few pictures.

Thank you for stopping by today.


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