
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Crazy Covid Dream

Hey Friends,

I hope you are having a fantastic day. If you are a regular reader, thank you for stopping by once again! If this is your first time visiting our site, thank you for spending some time with us!

This is Odie writing today. I love spending a few moments with you each Saturday. We may not get to talk face to face, but I am thankful that we can visit virtually.

Since having Covid, almost eleven weeks ago, I have had almost constant insomnia. I am not of fan of sleepless nights! Just when I think it is over it pops up again. If you can not tell, I value my sleep and I do not function well on little rest.

My sleepless nights have provided me with lots of time to think about ideas for several different blog posts. Most of them do not pan out to be great ideas, once I pondered them more. It is crazy what sounds good to a sleepless mind at 3AM, but does not make sense after little sleep. That is why I choose not to do my writing in the middle of the night.

I do have one funny thing to share that came from my sleep-deprived mind. Crazy dreams have also been happening when I do get some sleep. Usually, I can not remember the dreams once I am awake. Several weeks ago I had a dream that made me laugh hysterically when I woke up! 

I am still laughing today over that particular dream. Sadly I do not remember all the vivid details. All I know is that I was a ballerina! When I woke up my legs were worn out from dancing in my dream.

I honestly have no idea what caused me to have that dream. The girl in the wheelchair had a few moments to experience being a ballerina. Side note, when I dream I am hardly ever confined to my wheelchair. Usually, I can walk normally. I enjoy my dreams when they are good because I get to see myself walking. This is the first time I have seen myself as a ballerina before this time.

The next day when I told Mom about my dream she laughed hilariously just like me. She proceeded to call me ballerina for the next few days. Mom would send me ballerina pictures. It gave us something to smile about. We had fun for a while with my crazy dream.

I could tell the people that communicated with Mom checking on us. I would get texts from people asking me random questions. Here are a few of those questions. Did you take up a new hobby? So I hear that you are a ballerina now? Are you still dancing? 

I told my dear friend about my dream and she laughed with me too. She recently reminded me that next to my name on her phone she added the ballerina slippers emoji. Her laughter lives on every time she reads my contact info.

I can positively say my ballerina dream will never come to fruition, but it is fun to dream! I do believe that one day I will walk in real life. I look forward to that day with great anticipation!

Well, that is all for now. Thanks again for spending some time with me! Have a fabulous weekend.


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