
Friday, May 14, 2021

Mile Marker Number 4000!

Today is a momentous occasion for Mile Markers. For the very first time in the history of our Mile Markers, there are 4000 posts published here.

This is how I described what I hoped to do here many years ago and I think it is still a pretty accurate description of our motive and result.

Mile Markers are a good way to describe our updates from the road. They keep track of our progress as we move across the country. We post about the grace of God, great churches, Pastors, people, revivals, music, family, food, fellowship, fun, our travels and who knows what else. Thanks for stopping in to read our Mile Markers. When you must leave we hope you leave informed, entertained, refreshed and thinking with a smile on your face.

One thing that we did not anticipate was how many friends we would meet in this space. We have sang and preached in places we did not even know existed and it began by someone stumbling across our corner of the internet. That is an unexpected surprise!

I have been writing here since November 2009. That means we have averaged almost 29 posts every month for well over eleven years. Wow! That is hard to believe.

I have seen many hundreds of websites come and go during that time, but we have tried to stay consistent. I have wondered at times if I am making good use of my time, but then I will get a message from someone saying they read a post that lifted them up or encouraged them and I keep on writing.

We have posted thousands of pictures and written many hundreds of thousands of words in this space. It has been an incredible investment of time and brainpower. It has certainly taken more time than I imagined it would.

I appreciate the writing that Odie has done the last few years and I also appreciate the patience that Kelly Jo has had with our little hobby. She has been a saint through all the years.

Someone informed me recently that some pictures are missing from older posts. After much investigation, I had discovered it is a widespread problem across Blogger. I hate that, because the Mile Markers serve as reminders of things I may need to know in the future and the pictures are a big part of that.

We plan to keep right on posting for the foreseeable future. About the time that I think I have exhausted every possible subject, ten more things raise their hands and demand to be turned into a Mile Maker. Until permanent writer's block sets in, I will try to keep plugging along.
We hope you continue to read and enjoy the pictures and all of the rest each and every day. If you have suggestions for topics, please leave them in the comment section. We always love to hear from you.

Thank you for staying with us for 4000 Mile Markers. Tomorrow we will take a step toward 5000 by His grace.

Thank you for stopping by.


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