Monday, May 24, 2021

Weekend Write Up 5/24/21

It was a normal weekend, I suppose, or at least it was what poses for a normal weekend at the moment. Erma Bombeck said "Normal is just a setting on your dryer" and I guess that she was about right.

Odie went to the parade in town for graduating seniors Friday and attended the outdoor graduation Saturday. Myself, I stay as far away from high school as I can get. I left that place 36 years ago and I have horrible nightmares about going back on a regular basis. I am not going to walk in the door voluntarily.😊😒

I spent quite a bit of time in my study. I love reading and honestly, that is about all I felt like doing. The trip home from Mississippi took a rougher toll on me than I first thought. I need to toughen up!

Sunday was a busier day. Bro. Bennie had asked me to preach Sunday morning and I was glad to try. I used the oxygen machine while preaching as I did last Sunday. I tried, unsuccessfully to remain calm, but my levels stayed up. KJo said that I was a lot more exuberant than  I was in Mississippi. I guess that I was a little excited, but I stayed in one spot.😎

Sunday afternoon was the open house get together for my nephew Luke's high school graduation. It was right next door at Dodds so it was easy for us to attend for a while. It was good to see a bunch of folks that we had not seen in a long time.

Sunday night we went to our home church again and enjoyed the service so much. Bro. Bennie preached great and then prayed for folks with special needs. Praise God for His help and His Word! It was an awesome service.

We were blessed over the weekend to have guests for meals in the house. If all goes well, we will have more this week, hopefully from out of state.

Please enjoy the pictures from the weekend. Thank you for stopping by.


I mentioned Sunday that we spent some time at the Cemetary too. That was Saturday afternoon.


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