
Friday, August 6, 2021

A Few Pictures From The Week

Wow! Is it Friday already? Yes, Sir, it is! That means you are fixing to get overrun with pictures! I hope you enjoy every one of them.

I worked in the barn (See yesterday's post) Monday and KJo and Odie made a whirlwind trip to the Columbus Zoo. They had not been to that particular zoo in several years and they were hankering to go. Monday was the perfect day for it, so off they went. I am sure Odie will have more pictures later.

I think Odie and Lisa ate lunch together Tuesday.

Tuesday we finished the wall project, minus a few pieces of trim, and that evening we took my father in law's trailer to him and arrived in time to celebrate his birthday with the family. We had good food and enjoyed KJo's family. Her Dad is a prince of a man.

Wednesday I mostly recovered from the work Monday and Tuesday. KJo mowed and that evening we drove up to our home church to hear the new speakers. Bro. David Dale, Bro. Carmen Dottry and Bro. Michael Alexander have worked hard on putting together a fine sound system and the new main speakers are the grand finale. We spent a couple hours listening and fine tuning and mostly visiting with friends.

Two of my favorite singers in one place at one time!

Thursday morning, Kelly and I spent a couple of hours making sure everything was in order for the overhead door people to come on Friday and install the new door. We finished just in time for them to call and say they were not coming. This is part of a disturbing pattern since the first part of July. Ugh!😢

Dad, Mom and my nephew Jonas came for lunch Thursday.

Thursday wrapped up with a great service at Dryden Rd. We love our home church!

Here is an interesting picture I snapped at Home Depot.

2x4 studs for $4.32! That is still too high, but it is about half the price they were a few weeks ago! Wonderful!

I am happy you spent a few minutes with Mile Markers today. Thank you.


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