
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday Testimony Time

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in with you again. How are you doing today? I hope you are enjoying a wonderful week.

Remember that I told you Saturday's weather was gorgeous? Well, that good weather did not stay for long. Sunday, the temperature was much cooler. Then it stormed most of Sunday night. 

Yesterday was frigid. Below is a screenshot of our weather in Waynesville. My Mamaw would describe this forecast as "bone hurting cold"! 

I was glad that I did not have to leave my cozy house all day. I rushed out a few times to retrieve a package and a couple of decor pieces that the wind toppled over. I rushed back inside as soon as I completed my task.

Tuesday Testimony Time

Now I will share a couple testimonies with you. The first one happened yesterday morning. I prayed and asked God to help me out of a crazy predicament. He answered my prayer! I promised Him that I would praise Him for answering my prayer!

Yesterday morning, I reached for my phone to check the time. It slipped out of my grip and disappeared.  My phone fell through a crack between my bed and wall. Thus "Operation Retrieve Phone" began.

I could have called several people. They would have happily come to my rescue at some point during the day. I was determined to get the phone myself.  My Mom often tells me, "Andrea, you can do anything that I can do!" Her voice was ringing in my head. Therefore I worked and prayed that I could get my phone. 

This is the tiny space that I had to fish my phone through. I do not have pictures of the process.😆My phone's camera is the device that I use to take photos for the blog.

I was thankful that I could answer texts and calls from my Apple watch. Also, the "Hey Siri" iPhone feature came in handy for me. I could control my phone's flashlight with Siri. I was glad the battery on my phone was fully charged too.

Twice I had it almost out and I dropped it again. I was so bummed when that would happen! I would take a break and try again later with a different method. After several failed attempts and a few hours of trying, I finally had my phone back in my hands. My phone was unharmed! 

I really do thank God for helping me achieve my goal! Operation Retrieve Phone had not been on my to-do list for Monday. It is not a mission that I care to repeat again, but Praise God my mission was successful!

Testimony number two is named Oliver Tinnon. My friends, Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Whitney Tinnon welcomed a new addition to their family last month. This is a picture of them that I took in October.

I have been so excited about the gift God was giving them. We have been anxiously awaiting Oliver's arrival into this world. He was supposed to arrive in January. Due to complications, Oliver arrived several weeks early, on November 3rd. 

People across the nation have been praying for Oliver and his parents. The Lord has answered those prayers, and He has performed numerous miracles for their family! It has been amazing to watch the progress from a distance.

Oliver is a fighter! He has already faced and conquered so many obstacles. December 5th, he was able to go home! When I received that news Sunday afternoon, I was overjoyed! That was definitely an answer to countless prayers!

Oliver made his first appearance at church Sunday night. I was excited to get a glimpse of him on the BHC Livestream. His parents are training him to be a faithful church member!

I am already anticipating my next scheduled visit to Virginia next spring. I want to see this living miracle with my own eyes. I look forward to spoiling him when I get the chance. I already told his mama to schedule a few moments for me with Oliver when we get to BHC.

Thank you, God, for blessing Bro. Jonathan and Sis. Whitney with a precious child! Thank you for all the answered prayers in Oliver's short life! I can not wait to see what God has planned for Oliver in the future!

Thanks for reading my testimonies that were burning in my heart today. Friends, remember that God hears every prayer you pray. I believe that He is answering prayers for you today.


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