
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Praise God For Sweeny, Texas

Over thirty years ago, probably 1991, we were on our way from Florida to preach a revival in Oklahoma. We went a few miles out of our way to visit Lighthouse Full Gospel Church in Sweeny, Texas. It was our very first visit although KJo had been here as a small girl with her family.

We knew Pastor Larry Lamb and he was familiar with all of our families, but he did not know me specifically. We arrived for midweek service and Bro. Lamb asked me to preach. I did and God blessed His people with a wonderful move in the altar.

Bro. Larry Lamb 2022

Bro. Lamb asked if we could stay for a few nights of revival and we were gladly able to do it. We had a wonderful revival with these wonderful people and along the way, we made friends for life.

We preached a couple of revivals in Sweeny during those early days and we loved every moment. When we purchased our first used fifth wheel to travel in, Bro. Lamb and the church sent us $500 toward the $4000 price. We never forgot their kindness.

We were traveling in a car back then and we stayed in the evangelist quarters. There is definitely one thing about that visit we will never forget. Frank Peretti's first two books were huge then and we had bought his first book on cassette tape in Florida.

We were staying in the evangelist quarters which is a single room in the big dark church. We were in the bed and Odie was sleeping on a pallet on the floor. Each night we would start the tape player, turn out the lights and climb into bed. 

We would listen to one side of one tape each night. When that side finished, we would go to sleep. Or I should say, we would try to sleep. We all had spooky dreams full of devils and angels fighting all night long. If you have read about Sally Beth Roe and her journey to Christ, then you understand.

I suppose we were not the smartest kids in the world, but we get a good laugh about it now.

Beginning in 1993, we spent six years home working a public job and attending our home church, followed by nearly four years pastoring in Wichita, Kansas. Shortly after we went back to road life, Bro. Lamb contacted us about coming back to Sweeny and we have been coming back ever since.

We have not been here every year over the last 19 years, but we have been here most years. We have had some great experiences at Full Gospel Lighthouse and we have created some great memories with these tremendous friends.

It is easy to trace the fingerprints of God's goodness to us, by remembering the people that He has brought into our lives. Praise God for His grace and mercy! Praise God for Sweeny, Texas

Thank you for reading today. We sure appreciate you as well. May God bless you every single one.



  1. Thank the Lord i am back..My Email got messed up and i lost y'all for a while..Sis Allison fixed it up for me..Love y'all..Uncle Larry

    1. Uncle Larry,

      Thank God for Sis. Allison!

      We love you much, dear friend! It is always good to have you!

      Davy, Kelly Jo and Odie


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