
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Weekend Dispatch 1/31/22

Normally you would find this weekend post on Monday, but it was bumped forward to Tuesday to make room for a special January 31 Mile Marker. Thank you for the nice feedback from that post.

January 2022 is already behind us! Wow! How does that happen? It happens one day at a time, I suppose, but those days are flying by!

We are taking full advantage of the days that we have built into our winter schedule this year to rest and rejuvenate for the next revival. I worked outside for maybe 40 minutes on Thursday, but spent most of the day reading, preparing sermon material and resting.

KJo and Odie drove to some neighborhoods on the west side of Houston for some therapy, retail therapy that is. Kelly said there were very few people out and about, just like we like it.

Thursday night we had our annual board meeting for Boggs Family Ministries. Pastor John Eaton and Bro. Kurt McCrorey serve on the board with me and they have been with us since the beginning. I appreciate these fine men standing with us and guiding us for many years.

All of our board meetings are by conference call and we have never had an "in person" meeting. I guess we have been operating according to Covid protocol before it was even cool.

We were cranked up, hooked up and pulling out of Full Gospel Lighthouse in Sweeny by about 8:30 Friday morning. We would have left earlier, but Houston is always going to be a traffic problem during rush hour so we try to avoid that.

We pretty much sailed through Houston. We did have about a twenty minute slow down a little later due to an accident. The route to Bernice, Louisiana reversed the route we took two weeks ago from Shreveport to Livingston.

The roads are good and mostly four lane, but it goes through or around several towns. It is tough to make good time. We drove 289 miles Friday, but it took us six full hours. That included a 15 minute stop to do the work of the evangelist at a Flying J, but the rest was driving.

When I pulled into a spot at the TA truck stop off I-20 in Greenwood, Louisiana, I was glad to get stopped!

KJo prepared tacos Friday night with deer meat from Pastor Larry Lamb. Wow! Excellent!

Saturday we cranked up the bus and rolled the last 100 miles or so and pulled into Abundant Life Holiness Church in Bernice, Louisiana a few minutes before noon. Pastor Michael Brandon, his wife, daughter and Sis. Paula McCutcheon helped load in sound equipment. After a late lunch, we went back to set up and did a soundcheck.

Sunday we had two wonderful services! We are praising God for His help and looking forward to three more great revival services this week. We appreciate Pastor Michael Brandon and his family and the saints in Bernice. They have been so kind to us.

That wraps up our weekend. Thank you for stopping by.


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