Hey Friends,
This is Odie checking in from Ohio. Happy Fourth of July weekend! I hope you get to have some fun, as we celebrate the birthday of our great nation!
Two hundred and forty-six years ago, our forefathers fought and gave their lives for us. I will forever be thankful for their selfless sacrifice. Today I am proud to say I am an American! God Bless America is my prayer!

Mamaw and Papaw celebrated 59 years on June 12th! The entire family is so blessed and grateful every time their special day rolls around!
Jay and Theresa Boggs Osborn celebrated 30 years of marriage on June 13th! I can not believe thirty years have passed! I was their six year old flower girl.
Steve and Karen Boggs had their anniversary on June 25th. This year marked number 34 for them. I was 2 and a half when they married. I do have some memories of that special day!

My parents 37th anniversary just passed on June 29th. God has seen them through a bunch of life, miles and memories in those thirty seven years. I will forever be thankful for God's help and strength. God gave me amazing parents!
I know all four of these anniversaries are now history. I just wanted to take a moment to publicly tell these couples, Happy Anniversary! I love all eight of these family members so much! I am thankful for their devotion to marriage and family! They worked extremely hard to reach this point in life! I am grateful for their examples!
There is one more special date to recognize. Tomorrow is my beautiful Mother's birthday! She is the firecracker that lights our world!
Happy birthday, Mama! I love you so much! Thank you for showing me how an extraordinary lady is supposed to conduct herself! You are my hero!
Thanks for joining me as I celebrate my family today! Family is important to me. I would not be who I am today without my incredible family. See you next time.
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