
Friday, October 28, 2022

Revival In Pictures-Birch Tree, Missouri

This week of revival at Victory Pentecostal Holiness Church in Birch Tree, Missouri has been wonderful. Each service was outstanding and the people responded to the preaching. It was fantastic. 

We appreciate Pastor Ronald Coots inviting us for revival. We had been here for one service in 2020, but this was our first revival. His people received us very warmly and we will never forget it.

We have known Bro. Ronald and Sis. Candi Coots since they were young teenagers and we are thankful to see them working in the ministry and to be able to come alongside of them and assist them in the work God has called them to do. It is such a joy to see them and be with them and their family.

Thank you all for joining us today. I hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures.


Since The Boggsmobile had to park in a campground, the Green Machine was pressed into service again!


  1. I have enjoyed being in church with you and the Coots family on Mixlr this week!! Odie, thanks for letting me know!! Love all of you!

    1. We sure had a great time. Thank you for joining us!
      Davy and Kelly


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