I was reminded by a faithful reader recently that I had failed to bring you up-to-date on the bus repairs that were needed when we parked in Tennessee.
My laptop has been down for a few weeks and that throws me into a tailspin when it comes to blogging. It is difficult for me to blog from the phone and much easier to write and post from the computer.
Odie has continued to help me out since we have been home and I appreciate that. She may continue that for a while until I can get this computer back on its feet. Kelly and I worked on the laptop a few hours yesterday and made some progress, but we need professional help.
As you may remember, we have been having a problem with our power steering on the bus since September. Jeff Rowe ordered parts in September, hoping to have them in by the time we could get the bus to him in November.
Thankfully we were able to add fluid on a daily basis, sometimes a few times a day, and we made it there without completely losing power steering.
He had the parts and while we were gone he had his guys replace the proper parts and got the power steering working properly again.
On our way home, the power steering worked beautifully. I will need to check The level before we roll again, but we are so glad to have it working.
Jeff also performed some maintenance items on the bus while we were gone and completed other repairs. We are so glad to have him in our lives and we are thankful for him. We pray daily for God to bless him and his business.
In other bus news, the bus has two 12 volt water pumps for our fresh water system. The first few years of bus ownership I worked on these and the leaking water lines every winter.
Several years ago I put in two very good 12 volt pumps and had brother Jimmie Radcliffe put pex plumbing from them to the water intake.
We only need one pump and the other is a back up. One of them went out a while back, but it is the hardest one to replace so I let it go. Jeff Rowe replaced the second pump last spring.
After we arrived home a week ago, the non-working pump started leaking. Rather than remove everything to take it out, I disconnected the hoses and capped them Saturday with Kelly Jo's help.
I will replace it and replumb it in warmer surroundings If we make it through December, will be fine.
I do not know if you can see this, but the water pump in question is behind the manifold and water lines in the picture below. I have had all of that out several times, but it is a major job.
The "easy" one is the one with red writing behind the lower water lines.
The capped water lines.

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