
Saturday, December 17, 2022

Sit Down Odie

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in with you. I am happy to be visiting with you for another Saturday post. I am glad to have Dad back on blog duty. He just has a great way with words. I enjoy his post immensely. 

Anyone who knows me well will know I love to laugh! When I am asked how do I keep my smile? My answer is lots of prayer and laughter. 

Laughter is a part of my daily medicine. It helps me get through the not so easy aspects of life. I refuse to focus on the bad parts of life! My attitude changes quickly when I focus on the funny aspects of life.

My parents taught me a valuable lesson years ago. If you laugh at other people's mishaps, you must laugh at yourself too. I have had many funny moments that I would love to forget, but they are unforgettable! Now I just shake my head, smile and laugh! You can find posts about a few of those moments here and here. I had a few good laughs as I re-read those stories!

I love to crack a good wheelchair joke. It comes as a shock to some people. I often say my parents always push me around and look down on me. One day a pastor looked at me in disbelief. He was trying to process what I had said. He asked me, "Did you just crack a wheelchair joke"?

Sit Down Odie
Papaw Danny Morgan is Mom's Dad. That is where Mom gets her crazy sense of humor from. The craziness runs in our family. We all have a list a mile long of funny moments.

Papaw is the king of them all We have loads of fun in our family telling Papaw's stories. I will keep most of them private. I will save him some embarrassment, LOL! 

Today I have a story for you that features me and my Papaw, Danny. It is one of the newest ones on the list; it happened the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

We were at Sam's Club. It was time to get some ice cream. I was trying to pay for the purchase. Papaw would not let me pull up to the counter to pay. He blocked my access. Then he said, "Would you go sit down."

I immediately lost it in laughter! Papaw then realized he had just told his granddaughter "in a wheelchair" to sit down. The cashier probably thought we were certifiably crazy. We both laughed and laughed. I told Papaw, "Nobody tells me to sit down. They always tell me to stand up and walk".

I collected an unexpected memory that day at Sam's. This is a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life! I love my Papaw, and I am thrilled to share ice cream and laughter with him!

I hope this story helps you smile and laugh a little bit today. Do not forget to share a smile with someone else today. A simple gesture like a smile can brighten their day.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I loved your story, Odie! It is always awesome to have special times with friends and family to make special memories!

    1. Hadassah, Glad you enjoyed my story.


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