
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Twenty Continuous Years Of Evangelism On The Road- Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

The first Sunday in January 2003 was a frightening, but momentous occasion in our lives. That Sunday morning was our last service as Pastor in Wichita, Kansas. That evening was our first night as an evangelist in Oklahoma City.

To say we were scared of stepping into the unknown would be a massive understatement. But we were walking according to God's voice as much as we could understand.

I filled in for an evangelist on Sunday night and Monday night in OKC and we began our first revival on Wednesday night for Pastor James Fellers in Weir, Kansas. That first revival service was amazing and the rest is history.

We had no idea that our little adventure would last for twenty years. We had no idea if we could do it and we had no idea what God's plan might be. Yet, here we are twenty years later, still traveling, still preaching, still singing and still enjoying the touch of God.

It has been an amazing twenty years. God has opened doors for us to go to places we never dreamed of going. We have met people that became critically important in our lives and we have watched God do tremendous things in lives all over the USA and beyond! Wow!

The last twenty years we have sung and preached in well over 6000 services and nearly 800 of those services have been in the open air or under a gospel tent. I can honestly say that is seems like we are only getting started. Only God knows where the next years will lead us.

We have become painfully aware the last three years, that we have no idea what we will be doing in three weeks or where the next day may take us. God may completely surprise us with a nudge to go in any direction. 

We stand ready and willing to follow His lead, because His leading has given us a ride that dreams are made of for the last twenty years! We hope to be preaching revivals twenty years from now, but we may be in a church halfway around the world next week.

We are open, ready and willing and God knows that better than we do. We have been wonderfully thrilled with God's direction the last twenty years and I see no reason to hesitate in following his guidance the next twenty years.

The friendships we have made in the USA and the relationships we have built in Nigeria and in other countries have enriched our lives beyond measure. There is a possibility that I could have worked at an occupation the last twenty years that would have provided more things and stuff, but I am convinced we would have been poorer because of it.

We are rich, rich, rich in friendships and relationships all over the world! That is something that money can not buy, not even close. I can honestly say, we can not imagine a better twenty years.

May God bless the Pastors that have invited us to their churches. May God bless the churches that received us warmly and treated us so well. May God bless the churches, individuals and businesses that have gone way beyond the call of duty and have kept us on the road. 

Everyone I mentioned in the last paragraph has made the last twenty years possible and pleasurable. Thank you, dear friends.

I have been looking at the Mile Marker noting our first ten years on the road. I provided a link to it below and several posts with pictures from our first ten years. I talked in that post about plans for the future and we have seen some of those things come to pass in amazing fashion.

Other things that God has done came completely out of nowhere. I expect we will see some of both types of blessings in the future. My prayer for 2013, was "Surprise me Lord!" He sure did! Maybe I should make that my prayer for 2023! Surprise me Lord!

Thank you for joining us here every day on Mile Markers since 2009 and for the last three years for our videos on YouTube. It is nice to have you along with us. I have links below and I will post some pictures of the last 10 years and try to have some more pictures in the coming weeks.

Thank you and God bless,


Here are the related posts. Some pictures in these links have disappeared. I have tried to take the empty frames out, but may have missed some.

I have been going through pictures of 2013 until now on Mile Markers and I am amazed how many great pictures we have on here. What a great record we have compiled one day at a time. I saved nearly 60 pictures from 2013 out of literally hundreds to choose from. 

Here they are. Pictures from 2013. I will have other years later. Thank you for stopping by.



  1. I wish you’d tell us who people are i enjoy seeing them would like to know thanks

  2. I thank God everyday you took that 1st step or i would never have met my very special extended family..Love y'all very much

    1. Amen, Uncle Larry! We are thankful God brought us together!


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