Thursday, February 2, 2023

More Prayer Requests

 Hey Friends

This is Odie with a quick post. I am reporting from the sky, well almost. 

Prayer Request Number 1
I will be flying home to Ohio today. I have three flights ahead of me. I would appreciate your prayers for a smooth travel day. 

I am excited to be headed home. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a travel report for you tomorrow. Tune in for more info on my adventures.

Prayer request Number 2
My precious Mamaw, Martha Boggs, is in need of prayer. She fell Monday night. She broke her upper arm and gashed her leg. Currently, she is still in the hospital.

Please pray for everything to heal correctly and quickly. She needs God to give her extra strength right now. We all want Mamaw well again very soon! She is very special to all of us!

I do praise God for protecting my Mamaw. Her injuries could have been so much worse! That was not the news we were expecting to receive. I know that none of our current events surprised God! I am trusting God to help all of our family right now!

Thanks for visiting with me. I appreciate your prayers and friendship!


  1. Praying for you and the family..Safe travels

    1. Thank you, Uncle Larry!👍🏽


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