Hey Friends,
This is Odie reporting in one last time for 2023. It seems like we just closed the door to 2022 about three months ago. Where did the time go?
This year has been full of ups and downs, with a few sudden curves thrown in the mix, too. The one constant that has carried me through 2023 is my precious Lord!
I am incredibly grateful that I can rely on Him! I have utilized my ability to lean on Him heavily this year! He has never once let me down! With His help, I have survived another year.
I am looking forward to having a fresh calendar page to flip on Monday. God only knows what the coming year holds for all of us. We can trust Him to see us through every day of the year ahead. I pray God blesses us all with a tremendous 2024!
Odie's December Hillsboro 2023 Family Time
I have a bundle of pictures to share from my time at home. I am going to break them up into a few different posts. Today will be my Morgan Family pictures.
I spent a few days with my Morgan family in Hillsboro a few weekends ago. It was wonderful to be with them. I love my family!
Here are some pictures and commentary from my fun family time. First, we had a family pizza night at Gran and Papaw's house.
Morgan and Odie.
Uncle Danny and Odie.
Wade and Hunter.
Joey and Courtney.
Kayla and Trever.
Odie and Seth.
Courtney and Odie.
Odie and Kayla.
Karleigh Jo fun.
Playing cars with Jackson.
Wake up Karleigh Jo.
Papaw plays the guitar.
Gran's Christmas tree.
On Friday we shopped. We had to have ice cream during the fun!
They had a Christmas dinner at my family's church on Saturday night. Below are a few pictures from the night.
Odie and Ezra
Morgan and Odie
My food.
Trever and Kayla
Courtney, Papaw and Ezra.
Jackson having fun with the table decorations.
Karleigh Jo watching the games.
Odie and Uncle Danny.
Odie and Gran.
My official Christmas picture for 2023. Thank you to Kayla Jo for the photography.
Gran and Papaw took me home on Sunday afternoon. We had lunch at Alcapulco.
The food and salsa were heavenly.
Papaw and Odie.
A quick selfie and I had a hard time getting the angles right. It was too cold to get the picture outside.
I insisted that Papaw had to play me some good music before they left to head home.
That wraps up my family fun filled weekend. I hope you enjoyed coming along for the ride. Tune in next time for more Ohio pictures from my camera roll.
See you in 2024!
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