
Saturday, February 3, 2024

Quite A Mile Marker #5000!

We first posted mile markers which are descriptions of our travels, revivals and other fun and interesting events on our first website It was difficult for me to post on that platform and our updates were few and far between.

In 2009 we began and called it Mile Markers from day one. This site started as we prepared for our second Nigeria trip as an easy way to update our family and close friends on our African adventures. 

When we returned home, we were having 200 to 300 readers each day and we knew that was much more than family and close friends. 
We decided to continue posting here and eventually rolled into this website. 

We determined to try to put up mile markers here as consistently as we could. In 2010, we posted 243 times. 
2012 we posted 349 times and by 2013 we had averaged at least one post per day for the whole year. 

We have made a concerted effort since then to post something every day and have only fallen short on a few occasions.

Sometimes we have a few hundred readers a day and sometimes a couple thousand. In January, the stats say we had 69,210 visits. That may be higher than normal from people reading updates on my health progress.

As of yesterday, we had received 
3236945 visits in a little over 14 years. That is extremely small when taking in the grand scheme of the Internet, but not too shabby for our little corner of the world. Welcome, we are glad to have you.

We appreciate all the visitors here. We know that we have people who tune in on Saturday to read Odie‘s messages, others who tune in on Friday to see pictures of revival, and others who tune in on Monday to find out what the weekend held.

Some have told me you mostly read on Sunday to find out where the BoggsMobile is that weekend. Lol We appreciate every one of you. 

An unexpected benefit of Mile Markers is the fact that we use it so often to rediscover our own past. I can find out when the oil was changed in the bus or when the last time we were in California or 100 other pieces of information. 

If I need to know where we were in June 2014, I can find out with a couple of clicks. That has proven to be pretty handy and kind of cool.

After we decided to continue posting here in December 2009, I told Kelly Jo we were going to be consistent with this. I did not want to start this and then watch it fall away to nothing until I was embarrassed to ever post anything. 

Therefore, I put my heart and my time into this as I have very few things consistently in my life. If this site was going to reflect our family and our ministry, then I wanted to be faithful and consistent.

I believe today’s announcement is a testimony to faithfulness and consistency.  
As of today we have 5000 published Mile Markers on

I will say it myself. 5000? Wow!!!

How long have you been with us? Have you been with us for 5000 posts? Are you new here? 

Either way, we are glad you are here and we hope we can stick together for 5000 more. 

Thank you for reading today. 



  1. I emencily enjoy your encourages me in my daily walk with God...feeling if you guys can be faithful in traveling and ministry in sacrificing your lives 365 days per year..surely I can be faithful a few times per week and faithful daily just with my walk with the you guys and so appreciate your light in this dark world ๐ŸŒŽ

    1. Thank you for your very kind and encouraging words, dear friend. We appreciate you keeping up with us and checking in with us. You have been a great blessing.

      May God help us to offer him reasonable service


  2. BroDavy, to the best of my knowledge, I’ve been checking Mile Marker daily around the first part of 2012 when I’d retired from my regular job & have really enjoyed being able to keep up with You & Yours.
    Pray & Trust that Your health is improving very much with Love from YoFrankie.

  3. That is an amazing milestone! You really are an example of consistency. Thank you for that and so much more.

    1. Thank you. I want to be faithful to God.

  4. I don’t remember when I joined the Mile Marker family, but reading it is a highlight of each day! I’ve laughed with you, cried with you, prayed with you, and rejoiced with you! I love your family dearly!!! Thank you for being a shining light in this world we are passing through!

    1. And we love you, sister Sharon. Thank you for being our friend and for going along with us.

  5. 5000. Wow! That’s so great. We have been along for much of the ride. See you down the road.

    1. Yes sir, I reckon y’all have been with us for most of the ride. There was no need for you to read some posts, because you were there to see the action. in living color.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜



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