
Saturday, March 2, 2024

19 Years of Praise

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in for this first Saturday of March. I hope you are doing well today. I am doing good myself. God has been so faithful to me. I am feeling extra blessed today!

This week, 19 years ago, was one of the roughest weeks of my life. I have been reminiscing and praising God one more time. My parents were my rock, and they nursed and guided me. It was rough on them as well!

Our family and friends from all over prayed and helped us tremendously during this scary time. Pastor Philip Deane and the church family Beams of Light Church, in Cantonment, stood beside us. That is when Bro. Philip became our Dr. Phil. Thank you one more time from the bottom of my heart!

Testimony Time

At the end of February 2005, we found ourselves in a wonderful revival near Pensacola, Florida. I was severely sick. I had been sick off and on for weeks. Late on a Friday night, we rushed to the emergency room. I was at my ropes end. We were looking for answers to the reoccurring sickness. I will never forget the 5 hours of misery as we waited in the waiting room before I was called back.

We were hoping for answers and quick treatments to make me better. There was no way of knowing the extent of what the doctors would find. One report from the surgeon sent me down a road I never expected to walk.

The unknown was frightening! I was 19 years old, and that was the first crisis that I had faced. I truly learned to lean heavily on God during my week in the hospital.

During the hospital stay, it was easy to feel like we were drowning in the unknown. Dad would get in my ear and tell me, Baby, this water is over our head and I do not know where the bottom is. But he kept assuring me that we would touch the bottom. 

No matter the outcome, God was with us and we would eventually find the bottom of this deep spot and walk out onto solid ground. 

On March 1st, I had surgery to remove an ugly tumor and some organs that were affected by the tumor. I was terrified of surgery and what the doctors would find! 

I am thrilled to report that God was faithful to me. Surgery was successful, and no cancer was found! When I received the good news late on surgery day, all I could do was cry and raise my hand in praise. I knew the bottom was within reach. 

I look back on this period of time and see God's faithfulness. He worked a series of miracles and brought me through. God turned my test into a testimony and taught me to trust Him. I praise God with every fiber of my being! He is the reason I can share this testimony today.

19 years later, 2024 already has had its own challenges and unknowns. This time around, I have reminded Dad I do not know where the bottom is now. I do know without a doubt that we will touch the bottom and walk out of this deep water. No matter the outcome, God is right here with us!

Already, God has worked another series of miracles for my family! We can never thank Him enough for His continued faithfulness! Today, I am taking another opportunity to say thank you!

Thanks for joining me for another post. I enjoyed visiting with you and praising God! See you next week.


  1. Praising God with you for His faithfulness yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever! 🙌🏻

    1. Sharon,
      Thank you friend for praising God with me. Yes so thankful God is forever faithful. We are blessed.

  2. Odie, this was written very well, Thank-YOU for sharing this story & Love-YOU,
    the Shiflett family

  3. Frankie and Pat,
    Thank you for faithfully reading. I appreciate your kind words. I’m glad you enjoyed my testimony. Love you all!

  4. Very beautiful testimony! I'm glad you found the bottom and are still with us! Love you! ❤️ Karen M

    1. Karen M,
      Thank you!! Love you!

  5. Praise God for His faithfulness! “When the waves are over our heads, they are under His feet!”

  6. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness!
    So thankful he helped you then and continues to help your family today. See you down the road.

    1. Bruce,
      God has definitely been faithful to me! He has not quit helping us! Thank you for being our friends down all the roads with us! See you down the road!


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