Saturday, June 15, 2024

Davy Boggs The Worlds Best Father

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you today from Ohio. Thanks for stopping by to spend part of your Saturday with me.

Happy Father's Day 2024

Tomorrow, Sunday, June 16th, is Father's Day. Here in the United States, Father's Day is a day on our calendar to honor Fathers. 

I am grateful for the incredible men who have influenced me. I am blessed with two wonderful Papaws who have poured into my life. They have encouraged and helped me get to where I am today.  

Papaw Danny and Papaw Eugene, I love you both more than our shared love of ice cream! Thank you for showing me what the best grandfathers look like! I know I am an extra blessed granddaughter to have your love and support! Thanks for always being there for me!

Also, I have been blessed with great uncles, friends, adopted fathers and grandfathers who have been there for me. Their prayers and concern for me mean so much to me!

The World's Best Father

Happy Father's Day, most of all, to Davy Boggs! He is the World's Best Father. You all know him as a friend, son, brother, preacher, singer, and writer, all things that he does exceptionally well!

I have the privilege of knowing him as Dad. I will forever be Daddy's baby and I am proud of it! I love you, Papa Bear, more than a hog loves slop!

He has been there for me since the second I arrived surprisingly early. From the start, he loved and prayed for me. That has carried me through life!

In our 38 years together, he has always been there for me! Here is just a short list of things he has done without question to show me his love! He has held me, changed my diapers, fed me, cared for me when I have been sick, healed my boo-boos, cooked me eggs, wiped my tears, fixed my broken things, patched my broken heart, built my house, taught, counseled, and guided me, and so much more.

This Father's Day is extra special. I am so thankful to still have my father with me. God has definitely blessed me! Today, I want him to feel loved and honored more than ever! Thank you, God, for giving me the World's Best Father!

Thanks for reading as I show some extra love to my Daddy! See you next time.


  1. Odie Podie, I have told you a MILLION times not to exaggerate!!😳
    Thank you for your kind stretching of the facts. Rest assured that I will do the same for you sometime when completely necessary. 🫣🥰
    Your Papa Bear

    1. Daddy, I will declare my love a billion times more!


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