
Thursday, June 20, 2024

It Is Done! And I Feel Good About It

We made it! By God’s grace the deed is done. The BoggsMobile is now in Vonore Tennessee at Jeff Rowe’s shop in good hands.  

I was up way too early Tuesday morning in anticipation of the day’s events but did not begin preparing until after 6:00. In the mean time I was trying to prepare myself and the Lord was ministering to me. It was a lovely few hours. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ

The bus cranked fine, aired up normally, the brakes released completely and we were off like a herd of turtles. KJo and my Dad followed the first 8 miles and then we attached the Jeep and took off in earnest. 

We timed Cincinnati right for a change and had no traffic slowdowns in Cincy, Lexington or Knoxville. Hallelujah! The only traffic glitch was south of Jelico near the Rocky Top exit. We probably lost 30 minutes there due to construction. 

We drove 322 miles and arrived at 3:30 for a total of 6 hours and 40 minutes including a few stops. I felt confident and competent driving the bus with no problems and I am thankful for that. 

My body responded afterward like I expected but we are trusting that gets better with time. I feel about half dead, but at least I’m not twice dead and plucked up by the roots.๐Ÿ˜‚

We are incredibly thankful for the Lord‘s help. This is probably my biggest non-spiritual accomplishment since the stroke๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ Feeling comfortable driving the bus is a necessary step in moving forward. Thank y’all for praying for us. 

This gives us the confidence to try some more. We believe if we travel shorter distances and allow more time for travel, we may actually swing into something near normal. That is exciting. 

We started home in the Jeep Tuesday evening and finished Wednesday. It is nice to have that trip behind us. Thank you for dropping in.



  1. Replies
    1. As brother Ralph Cox would say, “Double amen on that amen, amen!”

    2. As brother Ralph Cox would say, “Double amen on that amen, amen!” ❤️❤️

  2. A brother testified at church last night concerning Jesus and reminded us that “He is”. Whatever we need He is! We are thankful the trip went well. Praise the Lord. See you down the road.

    1. Yes He is exactly what we need exactly when we need Him! Hallelujah!!!

  3. God's grace never ceases to amaze me! Thank the Lord for this huge step forward! Karen M


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