Friday, June 28, 2024

Kelly Jo And Ribeye

First the ribeye and then the more important subject of Kelly Jo. 

Last year for our wedding anniversary we went to Longhorn with my parents and Odie and enjoyed a great meal in celebration. I had the Outlaw Ribeye and loved every last bite. 

June 2023

Some of you will remember that a few weeks ago I ate a few bites of ribeye for the first time since the stroke in December. It tasted fabulous but it was not easy to eat and I was eating in front of KJo only. 

I determined then that we would return to Longhorn after a long absence on our wedding anniversary and try to eat some fantastic ribeye. We plan to go again with my parents and Odie and see how it goes. 

I will start with a salad which I am able to swallow most of the time and then a few bites of steak IF I can handle it. I have struggled to eat most solids this week because of tiredness so no guarantees. I sure would love to eat some though. 

But the main focus of the day is to celebrate 39 years of being married to the beautiful and talented Kelly Jo! I have been head over heals for her for longer than that but the last 39 years have been amazing. 

The day of our Anniversary will also mark six months since the stroke. There have been a few very dark days the last six months but i have been blessed with light in Kelly Jo. She has been a shining representation of encouragement, grace, strength, courage and class. 

I am almost embarrassed at the riches that I possess it terms of a wife to walk along beside me through great times and incredibly difficult times. 

She is absolutely dedicated to helping me get back on my feet, back on the road and being instruments of revival as much as possible. She is also entirely open to switching gears and changing direction if that is required. 

I can not express how refreshing that has been to me through this journey and how much hope it gives me for our future. I am a fabulously wealthy man indeed. 

I know this and I know it well.  

However, it has amazed me how many of my close friends have observed the notable riches I have been granted in Kelly Jo. I have loss track how many have commented on her commitment to my good and her tireless energy in taking up my slack in every area. 

They are proud of KJo and astounded at the demonstration of her boundless love for me and her engagement in my care and recovery. Their heartfelt compliments have put a big smile on my face and bounce in my still unsteady step. 

Not only have friends and family noticed my riches but several hospital staffers and therapists have made the same comments. They have placed great confidence in my recovery due in large part to the devotion of KJo to that cause. 

Kelly Jo is never comfortable with the attention of others. That is not why she does anything she takes on. But she deserves every ounce of praise I can muster today. I have been blessed as much or more than any man!

Tomorrow we will mark 39 years since we stood in front of a few family and friends and said “I do”. Neither of us really knew what we were singing up for but I definitely got the far better end of the deal. 

Happy Anniversary KJo! I love you!😍😍🎂🎉🎊

Thank you very much for reading today. I believe a few Amens would be appropriate. 😎



  1. Happy anniversary to you both!

    1. Thank you, friend.👍🏽

    2. That is what a wife does .And she does it well I am sure.Love you guys

    3. Yes she does it well indeed. 👍🏽👍🏽

  2. I love you both!! Amen times a million!!!

  3. A BIG amen from your Pauls Valley friends. She is such an asset to your ministry! You and I are blessed that our wives signed up for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and health. May the Lord bless you both with many more happy , healthy , and prosperous years. Happy anniversary to our dear friends!!!

    1. We are also blessed with great friends!👍🏽❤️ Thank you.

  4. Bro Davy you certainly have the best of both worlds in a wife and helpmate..Kelly Jo is a one of a are blessed to have each other...Happy Anniversary may God bless you with many more..

    1. One of a kind would be an accurate description. ❤️❤️Thank you for commenting.🙏🏽

  5. Amen to all of the above! Kelly Jo is an inspiration to all of us wives! And you are a good man! Happy anniversary to you both! 🙏❤️ Karen M

    1. Thank you for your kindness. 👍🏽😇

  6. Thank you everyone for the nice things you say! I am the one who is blessed to have Davy!

    Kelly Jo


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