Monday, June 17, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 6/17/24

I think we need to begin the Weekend Dispatch all the way back on Wednesday evening. KJo and I arrived home at about 8:00 and we enjoyed a great visit with family on Odie's west facing porch.

Thursday was capped off with attending our home church and having a chance to preach at our Pastor's request. I posted the audio Friday evening as the first installment of our Summer Revival Series.

Odie snapped some pictures Thursday night.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday were all spent trying to get caught up at home from being gone and preparing for the days ahead. More on that in the coming days.

Odie attended a bridal shower and part of a Kids Krusade next door.

Sunday we enjoyed time with our church family and spending time together. It was a super great day and we loved it. 

I hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day.

Thank you. 




  1. Beautiful message! Thank you for sharing it! 🙏❤️ Karen M


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