Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Anniversary Celebration And A Big Birthday

Tomorrow is the 56th birthday of Kelly Jo. The last six months have been some of the most difficult months in our lives and KJo has handled it like a super champ. She deserves so much more in return than what I can provide, but I want her to know I love her very much.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Kelly Jo Boggs!!!

I made a Birthday video for Kelly last year with words from my heart and over 50 pictures of KJo through the years. It is dated by a year, but I think you will enjoy it. Below the video, you will find a few more pictures of Kelly and our Anniversary lunch on Saturday.

Here is a picture of my steak when they brought it to the table and the second picture is the steak after  finished.

As you can see, I could not eat much of it, but I have taken care of it a little at a time since then! It was an excellent ribeye!

Thank you for stopping by today.


Monday, July 1, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 7/1/24

To describe the weekend we must take in a few days last week. A couple of these things will get their own post but we have a few pictures for now.

At some point, Lisa and Odie shared a meal and then we sat outside and visited with them and my parents. It was a pleasant evening.

We spent a day at Eastern Indiana Pentecostal Camp Meeting and we will have more pictures later.

Friday, Kelly Jo's parents dropped in for guitar lessons, lunch and a great visit.

Saturday, my parents took us to Longhorn for our anniversary and KJo's upcoming birthday. This was my first time to visit Longhorn since the stroke and we had a wonderful time. I hope to write more about that tomorrow.

Odie spent Saturday evening with friends eating and watching fireworks.

Sunday was a special day with friends at Taylor Mill Pentecostal in northern Kentucky. Pastor Chris Oliver invited us for both services Sunday and we were honored and happy to go. We love preaching there and we knew we could look forward to great services and wonderful fellowship.

It worked out just like we planned and the only thing that could have been better was the evangelist.🤣

That wraps up The Weekend Dispatch and what a wonderful weekend it was. Thank you for reading.
