
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Happy 80th Birthday, Mother Dear! -Martha Boggs


Odie was able to help me get all of the pictures from the weekend into the proper groups and today I bring you pictures from Mom's 80th Birthday Celebration. Today is her actual birthday so today is perfect for these pictures.

My sister Theresa did most of the preparations with lots of help from my brother Tommy, cousin Lisa and probably others I know nothing about. It was a great effort that resulted in a wonderful day.

This picture is Mom with her children and some of the nieces and nephews on the Isaccs side of the family that were able to attend. It was a great turnout of family, several of them driving up from Kentucky.

This is grandchildren and great nieces and great nephews.

This is going to be a day that we will remember for a long time. AND most in attendance agreed to try to come back for Mom's 100th Birthday celebration!

We also had several from the Boggs family too!

Odie Pictures

The Sign Pictures from Tommy

I hope you enjoyed all of the great pictures from this greatest of days!


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