Hey Friends,
This is Odie coming to you from the BoggsMobile. It is good to be rolling again. Thanks for dropping by for a quick visit. I am here to talk about some wonderful friends!
Friends are extremely important to me. I am blessed beyond measure in that area of life. I also count it a blessing that so many of my friends have been friends for a long time.

Rebecca Landress Blankenship was 6 years old, and I was 4 years old when our parents became friends. Back then, I did not realize the importance of making true friends. Over time, I have learned to treasure a true friend.
Rebecca's parents are Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress. The Landress family have been dear friend to us for many years! I can not begin to imagine our lives without their family.
We moved to Kansas when I was 13. It was during the 4 years that we lived there. Rebecca and I became really close. I prayed for a friend to help me adjust to my life change from Ohio to Kansas. Rebecca and her parents were visiting us. Becca and I were listening to music in my room, laughing and having a great visit. At that moment, I realized my prayers were answered. Rebecca was indeed my friend! I still get emotional when I remember that moment. I can still take you to my bedroom on Armstrong St.
We have so many memories from our fun times together. I would not trade those times for the world. They still bring a smile to my face! We have laughed, cried, prayed and dreamed together. We have been there for each other on happy days and sad days. Now, we do not communicate every day or every week. When we do get to chat, it is effortless.
20 years ago, next month, Rebecca married Jeffery Blankenship. They have worked in the ministry for a long time. God blessed them with 4 lovely daughters. Madelyn just turned 18 a few days ago, Andrea is 15, Lilian is 5 and Sadie is 1.
Sadly, several years have passed since we were in the same location. Every time, we have thought it was going to happen. Life got in the way. Before we knew it, 5 years slipped by in the blink of an eye.
All of that changed last Tuesday. Last week was a fabulous week of fellowship with friends at campmeeting at DRPC. In a few of the services, we were blessed to have some extra special friends visiting.
The presence of the Blankenship Family thrilled me extraordinarily! We had a wonderful time visiting with them! The time flew by too quickly. Hopefully, we will catch up with the Blankenship family again soon.
Thanks to Jefferey, Becca and the girls for coming to Ohio to visit us! It was wonderful to have you! I love all of you dearly! Below are the pictures I captured during their visit.
Rebecca and Jeffery Blankenship

Odie with Lily, Rebecca and Sadie Blankenship

Andrea Blankenship Odie and Madeline Blankenship


She is named after me, so I call her Little Odie. 😆

Odie and Little Odie
