Tuesday, August 20, 2024

I Really Do Not Have Any BAD Problems

Note: There will be two posts tomorrow. The first at 6:00 AM with A Word For Wednesday and a second post later in the morning with pictures from Tuesday night of Dryden Rd.

Since Sunday I have been weeping over the situations some of my friends are facing. I thank God for a burden to weep and pray but I have felt so helpless.

We have dear friends who are struggling mightily under the load of sick parents and others carrying the heavy load of sick children. 

We have friends that are grieving over wayward children and grandchildren. Their hearts are wounded and dreams for their families seem poised to be washed away by the tide

We have more than a few friends in the prime of very productive lives and ministries facing uncertain futures because of health problems out of their control.

Without divine intervention, Sis. Tammy Harris is about to slip into eternity. Bro Alan Harris is about to lose his wife after praying and hoping for nearly two months since a horrible car accident.
Bro. Tim Hudson, a great preacher and tremendous man of God, has been fighting cancer in his vocal cords. After many treatments, the swelling and pain have returned. If the cancer is still there, the Doctor is telling him the best option could be to have his voice box removed. This mighty preacher needs a miracle.

And the list of heartache and pain of people we love goes on and on😩😩

My tears that have been flowing the last 48 hours seem ineffective except for two things. 

1. God understands my tears and He knows what those groanings mean when I make no sense. God will remember our heartaches and griefs and will not forget them. David was confident in the midst of his trouble that God remembered his tears and I am too.

2. The tears have brought me to a firm conclusion. The conclusion is this: 
I really do not have any BAD problems. I have thought I was climbing mountains, but there are saints around me that are fighting for their very lives. I have inconveniences in comparison to the sufferings of my friends. 🫣🫣

I am not trying to spread guilt to those of us that feel we really need help. There is no shame in asking for help in our own problems. We are encouraged to pray fervently when we are in trouble ourselves. I will keep doing that.

But I have been freshly awakened to the fact that my friends, my brothers and sisters are suffering in ways I can barely even comprehend. I am determined, as much as possible, to help carry the load of others who are facing difficulties in life far greater than I can ever imagine.

I really do not have any BAD problems. God help my friends!πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

Thank you for reading.



  1. My heart hurts for those in these difficult situations. Amen to your words today. See you down the road.

    1. Amen. Thank youπŸ‘πŸ½

  2. Thank you for reminding us how blessed we are. I'm so sorry to hear of the many things your friends are facing. Will be praying for them. πŸ˜’πŸ™ Karen M

  3. Praying for Bro. Hudson, and Sis. Harris.

    1. May God hear and answer those prayers!πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½❤️❤️


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