Monday, August 19, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 8/19/24

It has been another eventful weekend and I am afraid we are going to overload you with pictures. Be prepared.

This week is our annual fellowship meeting at our home church, Dryden Rd. Pentecostal Church. We are looking forward to the meeting so much this year. Wednesday through Friday we will have lots of pictures from the camp meeting for your enjoyment and Odie will post a recap of the meeting on Saturday. Stay tuned for all of that. 

Let us begin on Friday. Kelly’s mom and dad came Friday and her dad worked so hard on cleaning the concrete in front of Odie’s house. He was not able to do all that he wanted to do, but what he finished looked so outstanding. 

Thank you very much Papaw!

Friday evening there was a special event scheduled in West Harrison, Indiana. Our dear friend, Pastor Wade Hicks was marrying sister Sharon Brock Friday. 

We have known them both most of our adult lives, but Brother Hicks has been my dear friend for about 37 years. We are so glad we could be in the area for this event.

We miss most weddings, due to our traveling for work, and we are thankful we were able to attend. 

Saturday was spent in more preparation for trying to leave in the bus. I mentioned earlier that Kelly has been working for many days to reload the bus, Saturday was the day to get tools and parts loaded back in from the barn. 

We have spent 8 1/2 months dragging things out so we could use them for daily life and we need 8 1/2 more months to load it all back up, I reckon. We have a little bit of sound equipment that is at Odie‘s. We will stop and throw it in the bay on our way out Monday. 

Three or four times Saturday I found myself on my hands and knees crawled up in the bay of the bus in the same position and the same place where I was when I had the stroke on December 29. I am not superstitious by any means, but it did feel a little bit creepy a few times.

I will have to get used to that. Getting things in and out for revivals and for daily living requires me to crawl up in the first bay often. 

Sunday morning, we pointed the Jeep back toward West Harrison, Indiana. Brother Hicks had invited me to preach Sunday morning in his absence. We love preaching at West Harrison, but I never look forward to preaching somewhere without the pastor there. This was a special circumstance, so we were glad to go. 

Sunday evening we attended our home church and we were blessed to hear our Pastor preach. It was wonderful!

That wraps up our weekend. Thank you for stopping in,


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