Monday, August 26, 2024

The Weekend Dispatch 8/26/24

We began our weekend with the last day of Dryden Rd. indoor fellowship meeting and what a wonderful day it was. Odie published pictures from that day and a description of the week on her Saturday Mile Marker. 

Saturday morning we prepared the bus for traveling back to the Lazy OD Ranch. We arrived about lunchtime, shut the big Detroit down and hooked up the utilities. The rest of the day was spent on last-minute preparations to leave in the BoggsMobile. 

Sunday we attended our home church and we were wonderfully blessed. The Lord really spoke to me during Sunday School and I hope I can keep it in my heart a long time. 

On Sunday afternoon KJo's parents visited and my parents, along with Theresa and Jay stopped by after church. We enjoyed a great visit with them.

If we can get all our ducks lined up, by the time you read this Monday, we will be on the road. Our first revival is in Thomasville, Alabama, but today we hope to spend the evening with brother Alan and sister Tammy Harris at the hospital in Evansville, Indiana. 

The doctors are giving no hope for Sis. Tammy to live as a result of the automobile accident she had in early July. Brother Alan and his family believe in God for a miracle and we are standing with them. It has been a few weeks since we have been there and we are anxious to get back.

On Tuesday, we will begin the journey toward South Alabama. We will probably do the trip in two long days or three partial days. That will get us there sometime Thursday and give us a chance to rest up before revival begins on Sunday morning. 

We have determined to attempt shorter travel days between revivals, but it is difficult to allow enough time to do that. I am hoping I can get better at it until my strength returns.

Odie captured some pictures Sunday and we have those for you. Thank you for stopping by. 


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