
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Important Mile Marker Along The Road!

I think it is understood by most of our readers that we love to celebrate milestones as we pass them. The celebration does not often include cake and ice cream but we like to put a check by the Mile Marker and acknowledge how far we have traveled down the road.

This year we have passed a few special ones but missed acknowledging them because the current times were pretty intense. Today, we want to add a big checkmark by one of them.

We have no cake and ice cream today but it is special to us.

The end of April marked 22 years and 4 months of evangelism for us on this current round of fulltime evangelism. That seems pretty random until I give you this fact. In the early 90s, we worked 2 years and 8 months in fulltime evangelism. Add these two numbers together and it adds up to 25 years of fulltime evangelism.

I preached my first sermon 41 years ago last month and I preached a bunch of revivals while I was also working public jobs, but making our way for 25 years solely as evangelists is a big Mile Marker for us. Some great families have traveled many more years preaching revivals than us but we are thankful for what the Lord has done for us.

We are incredibly thankful for every Pastor who has invited us and every church that has received us. We feel privileged to be permitted by God's people to try to be instruments of revival in their churches, communities and lives. It is an honor that we do not take lightly.

Our churches in the USA and in other parts of the world have opened their arms to us and treated us like family members they love to see pull in the driveway. Thank you, dear friends.

Kelly Jo and I have had a good number of very serious conversations about our lives and our future over the last 8 months and we are in complete agreement. We would gladly do all of this again. We have no complaints and no regrets. 

I have wept each time as KJo has said to me. "We have lived a wonderful life as we have traveled and preached. We have enjoyed amazing experiences and been a lot of places. IF it ever becomes clear that we can not continue to do it the same as before, we know we have done our best while we were able."

That puts it into perspective for me. Wow! What a ride! Thank you for joining us today. We hope to be singing and preaching at a church near you soon.



  1. I, among countless others, are so very thankful God led you all to travel and evangelize all those years ago and that you are still doing so today! You have had a very positive impact on my life! 🫶

    1. Thank you! You make our eyes leak with your kindness. It has been an is our privilege to work among such good people. We appreciate the friendship of God’s people.


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