Thursday, September 19, 2024

Great Progress The First Floor of The GoodNews Christian School

Earlier this month I received an exciting email from Nigeria concerning the school construction. Even though the rest of the building is not ready to complete, the first floor is being finished. They will use the classrooms on the first floor while the rest of the school building is under construction.

I am so happy to see the pictures of progress and I will post them below. First is the note I received from Bro. Samuel with the pictures.

Calvary greetings to you our beloved Pastor and family.  I want to bring to your notice the progress report of the ongoing project in the school.

The renovation of the first floor is taking shape. Plastering work is currently underway, and we are in the process of installing new doors as well as burglary features on the windows of the principal’s office.

We sincerely appreciate your generosity and unwavering support. May God bless you and your family abundantly.

Pastor Samuel Oladipupo Bamidele
The Principal of Goodnews Christian School Saje Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

The pictures are beautiful. I hope to see it in person in the future.


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