Hey Friends,
This is Odie coming to you from the BoggsMobile again today. I hope you are doing well.
We have had an excellent week of campmeeting. Being with our friends, Pastor Eddie, Sis. Jan Stringfellow and their church people at Saint Thomas has been wonderful. They are precious people!
It was an honor for us to have a small part in the meeting again this year. I must tell you, Dad preached so good on Sunday and Wednesday nights. God helped him! I was wishing all of you could have been there too.
An added blessing to our family was getting to be with Pastor Kenny Morris, and to hear him preach 4 nights! Bro. Kenny is a phenomenal man of God! He has an extra special anointing. I love to hear him deliver the Word of God.
September Birthday’s
September is another month with several birthdays for our family and friends. I wanted to take a moment to wish all of them a happy birthday! Everyone celebrating this month, I am glad the Lord blessed you with one more year of life. I hope and pray this is your best year yet! I am so glad you are alive and part of my life.
Happy 30th Birthday Jacqueline
There is one birthday I wanted to highlight today. Jacqueline Coffman turned 30 this week. I can not believe 30 years have passed since she entered the world on September 11th 1994!
Jacqueline is an amazing woman! From her first day of life until now I have watched her grow into the awesome person she is today. It is a honor to know her, call her my cousin and a dear friend!
When I think of her so many excellent qualities come to my mind it is had to wrap it up in a few words. Here is just a sample of the good qualities that come to mind when I think about Jacqueline. She is beautiful, sweet, dedicated, caring, a prayer warrior, kind, loving, compassionate, hard working, creative, thoughtful well spoken and selfless.
Jacqueline, I love you so much! Hope you had a fabulous birthday. Sorry I was not there to celebrate you in person. I hope to see you in a few days. Maybe we can celebrate your birthday milestone then.
I know you are embarrassed to read this right now. My little corner of the world needs to know how awesome you truly are! I want to be like you “when I grow up”! 😁
Thanks for joining me today. I hope you have a weekend full of blessings. See you next time.
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