Friday, September 20, 2024

Our Week Including a Few Pictures

Monday we traveled about 75 miles but it seemed we were all day doing it. It was raining hard off and on all morning and when the rain would let up it was hot and steamy. We finally completed all the work required for departure and waved goodbye to Bro. and Sis. Long.

Ninety minutes later we were pulling into Trinity near Moss Point and reversing the process. We were without the rain this time, but the heat and humidity were present in large quantities. By the time we made it inside, we were soaked again.

We knew that Bro. Michael Switzer was in revival nearby at Forts Lake so we ate, rested and prepared to attend the revival. Although this week is designated as rest, I can not imagine being any more rested than I was by the presence of the Lord Monday night.

Wow! Bro. Switzer's preaching and the visitation of the Lord I experienced will stay in my mind for a long time to come. Praise God for His amazing help and encouragement! Hallelujah! 

It was also wonderful to see Pastor Cauley and our dear friends from Forts Lake. They received us warmly and reminded us why we love to visit them. It was a great night all way around.

On Tuesday I was up way before humans should be up preparing for the long week of paperwork ahead of us, downloading and gathering all of the proper documents. Before we could dive all the way in, Odie had to be taken to the airport.

Odie has planned to fly home for my nephew's wedding and is expecting to join us next week. That is the main reason we wanted to be parked near Mobile Tuesday morning. Once she was on her way, it was time for work.

We paused only to allow our brains to rest, eat and sleep. Wednesday we were working again with a pause for lunch with Pastor JR and Sis. Teresa Alexander and church Wednesday night at Trinity where we are parked. We were blessed to be in a wonderful service and we are very thankful for it.

Thursday, we worked all day again on bookwork until we felt like our heads would explode. The work was not completed on Thursday, but we reached the place we needed to be. It was great to have a little satisfaction in the process. 

We may work some more today. Saturday we travel to Richton, Mississippi and begin revival Sunday for Pastor Scott Morris and our friends. We are looking forward to that.

Last night we went to revival again at Forts Lake. It was another awesome service with friends. I know we are resting by not preaching revival services this week, but all three services we have attended have been fantastic for us.

Thank you for spending a few minutes with us today.


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