
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Birth Of Hope

As I mentioned last week, I was thrilled to preach under the Tabernacle at St. Thomas. I had been looking forward to being at that meeting to sing, but I never really thought about the joy of preaching outside again.  

First, I did not know I would be preaching during the meeting and second, I was mostly concerned about the possibility of excessive heat. The meeting has a well earned reputation of being a hot one.

Here I am after service, which I preached, Sunday night.

So once I learned I would be preaching the previous week, I never considered all it would mean to me. As I was preaching Sunday night, I was nearly overwhelmed by emotion that I was actually preaching outdoors.

Earlier this year it was highly uncertain IF I would ever stand behind a pulpit and preach anywhere, much less under a tabernacle in a camp meeting. I have been emotional about it ever since and thankful to God for bringing me a mighty long way!

It is not exactly the same as preaching under a Gospel tent as I have many hundreds of nights, but it sure was nice and felt mighty good. I may never be able to set up a tent and preach under it again, but this meeting dared me to hope.

Hope never hurt anyone. Thank you for stopping by.


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