Monday, September 23, 2024

The Weekend Report 9/23/24

I am not sure I can prove that much of the weekend happened. I have few pictures so maybe it was all a dream. This is how I remember it.

Friday morning we worked on bookworm until about 11: 00 AM. We finished all of the ministry work on Thursday and on Friday morning we caught up on our personal books. I am extremely thankful for Kelly Jo. She kept near perfect records throughout all the hectic year. We would have been lost without her meticulous records.

I can not overstate how difficult it was for her to do this during a year that was upside down. She had no help or much guidance from me. I can not overstate how utterly useless I was in keeping the necessary facts and figures and paying the bills. All of my attention was diverted to recovery and I had brain power for little else.

The rest of Friday we were both as useless as we could practibly be and still breathe in and out. I want to say a special Thank You to Pastor JR Alexander, Sis Teresa and the Trinity Church for extending a warm welcome to park at the church last week. They have made us feel free to make ourselves at home anytime. God bless you, friends.

Saturday it was back to work. Thankfully, we did not have far to roll, but all the same work must be done before we leave and after we arrive. At least we were dry this week. Hallelujah!

The 88 miles took us about two hours including a quick stop at the Mississippi Welcome Center on I-10 to do the work of the evangelist.

We arrived in Richton about 12:30 and backed into our spot. Pastor Scott Morris and his son-in-law arrived in time to help us with utilities, washing the Love Bugs off the front and carrying in the sound equipment.

After a short rest, we went inside the church and set up some of our sound. Bro. Scott and Sis. Kim came and helped us hook into their system and get our soundcheck. The church has replaced their main speakers with the same brand we use and also a new mixer.

We have been here since then, but this is the first time we have hooked our system into theirs. We took our time and enjoyed the music and time with our friends.

Sunday was a great day and a wonderful beginning to revival. This week is usually tent revival and most of us definitely miss that, but I am happy to be in revival at all!

That was our weekend. Thank you for joining us.


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