Monday, November 11, 2024

Davy Finished The Race 1/16/67-11/10/24

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ 
 “7. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 
8. henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
Hey Friends,
My Daddy fought a good fight and finished his race yesterday afternoon! He is shouting on the streets of gold, worshipping Jesus! He is reunited with our precious Ali and many other loved one. 

We rejoice because Dad is happy and whole! The day he lived for has finally arrived! Our hearts hurt to say goodbye to the best husband, father, son, brother and friend, anyone could ask for. We are thankful for the blessed hope of seeing him again!

Please keep our family in your prayers! thank you for your love, friendship and so much more. So many of you have already helped us navigate this difficult time in our lives! The outpouring of love and support from our friends has been mind blowing!

The funeral arrangements are pending. All the services will be held in Ohio. The details will be posted here when they are available. It could take a few days to finalize everything.

Thank you for checking in with us! Please share this post with others. We may take a break from our regular blog, content, or maybe not.



  1. We want you to know that we love you all and are praying for you Sis Kelly and Sis Odie.
    The Brandon’s & Parker Hill Holiness Church

  2. No words, other than too soon, too sad. We love you. Continuing to pray for you. The Galihers

  3. Oh Kelly, Odie, I am so very sorry for your loss! Bro. Davy was so instrumental and such an encouragement in my life! I know, for you, life will never be the same, but hold on because reunion day is coming! The evangelical community has lost a giant of a man of God. I could go on and on, but my dear Friends I love you all so very much! You are very dear to my heart! ❤️ ❤️

  4. Your father still is a wonderful man of God! We're all looking forward to seeing him again! Praying God will wrap you up in His love, put His strength in you, and give you His wisdom for now and the future. I know He will do all that and more! Love you so much. Karen M

  5. So sorry to hear about Bro Davey. We love y'all and praying for comfort for you

  6. We will miss Bro. Davy. He was such a influence in my life, at one point I even mistook him as my dad😉 (inside joke). We are praying for your family. Love you both so much.
    Bethanny Holm

  7. We love y’all and praying for you! If you need anything let us now!

  8. Praying for you Sis. Kelly and Sis. Odie! Love, Myron and Ashley Vaughn and family

  9. We are praying for y’all. Love y’all.

  10. I’m so sorry, Odie. We love y’all and are praying for you and your mom.

    A Poem By Rick Combs, Honoring The Graduation To Heaven Of Brother Davy Boggs
    November 10, 2024

    For years, he poured his heart out,
    In his preaching and his singing,
    From slow ones to the faster ones,
    That had the rafters ringing.

    From tent revivals everywhere,
    To Africa and more,
    He never lost sight of the One,
    Who he was working for.

    And now, his work on Earth is done,
    And now, it’s time to rest.
    Surrounded by the saints of GOD,
    The happy and the blessed.

    I’m sure that Heaven’s choir,
    Has been doing great for years,
    With rousing songs of victory,
    And no more death or tears.

    But as our brother’s voice joins it,
    I think it just got higher!
    With Brother Davy Boggs’s voice,
    It’s now a better choir!

  12. Rest in peace my dear friend! I know you are enjoying the presence of the Lord now and will for eternity. I was really struggling last night with so many questions, when I felt your presence and remembered the words to a couple of songs and could almost hear you singing them to me. Once again you helped me through a rough spot in my life. The next road I see you down will surely be pure gold! See you down that road. I love you my friend.

  13. Sis Kelly & Sis Odie I’m so sorry for your loss. NOONE could sing You Chose To Be My Friend like Bro Davy! I’m praying for y’all. Love y’all
    Sis Wendy Williamson

  14. Dear Kelly and Odie, When I first heard that Bro Davy had had a stroke I texted him and told him we were praying for him. Then the strangest thing happened. I felt like the Lord spoke to me that he would be whole in God's time. This was not the way I pictured it in my mind but God's timing is always perfect. We will miss your family's ministry. God bless.

  15. We are going to miss y'all! I'm so sorry! Continued prayers for you and your precious family! Love y'all!

  16. So, so sorry for your loss. Prayers.

  17. Sis. Kelly and Sis. Odie,
    Words can't express how sorry we are for your loss. In times like these words fail, but you are both covered in our love and prayers.
    My family didn't know Bro. Davy as long as some, but in the 9-10 years of friendship that we had I can say that Bro. Davy definitely made a lasting impact on us. My kids loved him and always had fun talking and joking around with him.
    The world has lost a great man of God, but heaven has gained a soldier, a member of that great choir singing around the throne.
    Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time!
    We love you guys! ~ The Brooks Family

  18. i hoped he knew how much of an ipmact he had on my life in my growing up years. i love you all dearly. prayers - natalie hite( conner)


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