Monday, December 16, 2024

One Month Post Surgery

 Hey Friends,

Today is one month since I had emergency surgery. I am thankful to report the recovery process for surgery has continued to go well. Thank you for your prayers!

I am so thankful for the Lord’s help in the whole situation! The outcome could have been entirely different for me. I do not want to be ungrateful for the blessings God has given me. 

I have another follow up appointment with my doctor this morning. I expect nothing but good news to report. 

After surgery, the doctor ordered daily shots. Those have been the worst part of the recovery for me. 

I am not a fan of needles at all. These shots were to prevent blood clots. I absolutely did not want a blood clot, so we faithfully did the shots. Thank you to Mom and Lisa Isaacs for giving me the shots at home. 

I was counting down the shots every day. They left my stomach sore and bruised. I was so ready to get the shots over!

Saturday night was my final shot! I had to get a picture to remember this momentous occasion. 

I am so glad to have this behind me. I will give you another update this week if there is any more news from today's appointment. 

Thank you for stopping by to visit with us. Please keep Mom and me in your prayers! We love all of our friends. 


  1. We praise the Lord along with you that the surgery went well and your recovery has been uneventful. So thankful you have that in the rear view mirror! We love you all. See you down the road.

    1. Amen and amen! We love you all! See you soon, hopefully!

  2. Glad to hear you're recovering well! Praying for you both! ❤️ Karen M


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