Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Brrr It Is Cold

 Hey Friends,

I hope all of you are staying warm! I am staying hunkered in my house. Me and the extreme cold do not get along too well! We have had snow on the ground now for a long time in Ohio.

Mom was out last night and this was the temperature reading on her jeep -6 real temperature.

The low Tuesday in our area was -8° real temperature. Here is a screenshot of our weather right before I wrote this post.

Our friends in the south have gotten covered up with snow. That is a rare happening for them! We have received several text messages of pictures and videos of this snow in the not so sunny south. 

These pictures are from dothan, Alabama and Wilmer, Alabama, Richton, Mississippi. Grab you a blanket and a hot chocolate and enjoy these photos.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Stay warm and safe, friend! My car was NOT happy yesterday that I asked it to leave the garage. :) - Bekah


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