Friday, January 17, 2025

Foodie Friday 1/17/25

 Hey Friends,

How are you all doing? I hope you are doing well today. I am happy to report that Mom and I are doing very good. The Lord is our strength and our help daily!

Have you seen our previous post this week? If you have not read them yet, please take a moment and look black. 

This has been a week of reflection for us. Here are the link to the posts from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We also posted a new video to our Boggs Family Ministries YouTube channel yesterday. I have posted it below. You can also find it in yesterday's post.

As most of you know, yesterday was Dad's first Heavenly birthday. We spent the day honoring Dad and remembering him.

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us yesterday, letting us know that you were praying for us! We did read each message and found it encouraging! I apologize that I did not get to respond to each text message or comment individually. I will try to get that done today.

It was great to spend time with our family yesterday! We thought it was only fitting to enjoy a good steak from Longhorn on his birthday. Longhorn was his favorite chain restaurant steak. His favorite order was an outlaw ribeye from Longhorn. Mom and I split one yesterday. 

Just as I suspected the food was delicious and the family time was even more precious! I also predicted that we would laugh a lot, cry some and reminisce even more. We did all three of those things! I think it was a fabulous way to spend Dad’s birthday, surrounded by those that we love!

Mom and I finished out the day by going to church with our church family at DRPC! Church was the normal thing to do on his birthday! If I had to guess Dad spent more of his birthdays going to church than not. 

Today being Foodie Friday on the blog, I thought it only right to share yesterday's pictures with you. 

I hope you enjoy! Let me know if it flings or craving on you for a Longhorn!

See you back here tomorrow.


  1. Yep! definitely I’m craving for a an outlaw ribeye from Longhorn & definitely am going to get one as quick as I can at Harrisonburg,VA, shall be eating some of that ribeye slowly for You Odie, Your Mom & Davy also by all means.
    Thanks for the hint Odie & Love-Y’ALL !~!, YoFrankie.

  2. Yes, it doesn’t take much to fling a craving on me for Longhorns! Love the ribeye steak there! See you down the road.


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