Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Few Things To Cover

Hey Friends.

Thanks for visiting with me today. Welcome to any new visitors! Hello to my faithful friends! You all are awesome! I hope your day is going well!

I have a few different topics to cover for today's post, so let me get right to the matter at hand. 

1. Goodnews Christian School 

Thank you for the good response to the new video posted to YouTube! You can see it by clicking below. 

We really appreciate some of you already getting on board with us for this special project! May God bless you for your help!

2. Uncle Steve Update

Thank for the prayers and concern for Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen Boggs!

 Uncle Steve is making progress towards recovering from Cellulitis! Praise God he was released from the hospital yesterday! He will receive out patient treatment for a few days and continue oral antibiotics a while longer. We are so thankful for the Lord touching him!!

3. Revival at DRPC

Bro. Josh Smith and Family start revival tonight through Friday at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. services nightly at 7:30 PM February 11 through the 14th.

Youth rally is scheduled for Friday night. If you are in our local area come be part of revival! Dryden Road Pentecostal Church is located at 3201 Dryden Road, Moraine, Ohio. 

Thanks again for reading! See you again next time!

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