Wednesday, February 26, 2025

My Brother By Theresa Boggs Osborn

Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Today, we have a special guest appearance. Aunt Theresa recently shared a tribute to Dad with us. 

We loved it! I was moved to tears by her sweet words! Now I get to share her beautiful tribute to her brother, my Dad, with you! 

Theresa, thank you for granting us permission to post your tribute. We love you! Dad loved his “Seester” too! You were his favorite sister!

That is all for me today. I will let Theresa finish out this post. See you all tomorrow!


"I am NOT a writer, but I wanted to put a few of my thoughts down of Davy. Thinking a lot about him today.

My Brother

I remember thinking during his funeral, that there was so much  that I didn’t know about Davy. I knew he always gave 110% to his ministry and was always thinking what should be his next steps. The stories of others and the wonderful memories they shared and what Davy had done for them personally in their lives was truly touching! 

There is just a small glimpse of time that I can remember when Davy was not serving the Lord. There was 5 years difference between Davy and me. In my early teenage years, I can remember the two of us walking  down the road to Corwin to attend church. I honestly don’t remember why Davy just didn’t drive us there, but I’m sure there was a funny story to tell of why! 

I remember the early days of Davy and Kelly dating  They took me along to visit other churches with them. 

Serving God was his main purpose from early on.  When many were planning what to attend college, he was eager to get his ministry started. I was very proud of him, I wonder if I ever told him that? 

When Jay and I started planning our wedding, there was no doubt who would marry us. We still hear today that “Jay and I are the most married couple they know.” 

You see, Davy didn’t just have us do our vows and say I do. He preached a mini sermon just to us that day. He let us know the importance of marriage, and how truly sacred marriage was.


I often think of one of the quotes that he gave us that day. “The closest thing to Heaven is a God centered home. ”I have found this to be so true!

We got married, the Army took us to Germany.  Then later we moved to Oklahoma. I remember my first thought when Jay told me we were moving to Oklahoma , “what in the world is in Oklahoma!!”

We both found God in Oklahoma!!! Davy found out we were going to Oklahoma, and he started reaching out to all the dear people and the wonderful churches there. He found out that that some folks were getting ready to pioneer a church in Lawton, Oklahoma. 

Just because Davy had reached out to these people and told them we were coming, they instantly treated us just like family.  

Jay and I were saved in Oklahoma! I truly believe that it all started with the ministry of Davy, Kelly an Odie.  Because of the love and dedication they had shown to those churches was the reason they opened their arms to us like they did. I have never forgotten it!! 

We witnessed the true love of God! I hope Davy knew how much that meant to me and how much I appreciated his teaching, and for his encouraging words that he had given Jay and me over the years.  

The one memory that is etched in my mind, is me watching Davy worship the Lord during a song. His eyes are shut and you can see that he is taking in every word of the song and then he would reach out and grasp a hold of it. 

Our family is broken and we miss him so very much! I am so thankful he is not in pain and his body his whole. Davy will be one of the very first people  I look for in Heaven! I can just see him now….❤️"




  1. So wonderful Davy touched so many lives and how many souls found Jesus from his teaching! He is reaping his reward in heaven with God!
    Pat Shiflett

  2. What a beautiful tribute! What a beautiful life he lived! We have all been touched by his--and your--ministry! Praying for you and all your family! Karen M


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