Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pray For Uncle Steve Boggs

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for stopping by for a visit today! I appreciate you taking a moment to spend with us here. I am here asking my dear friends for prayer once again.

This time, I am requesting prayer for my dear Uncle Steve Boggs. He gave me permission to share this prayer request with you. He appreciates all the prayers he can get! We desire the Lord to heal him completely! Please join our family in praying for him!

Right now Uncle Steve is in the hospital suffering badly from Cellulitis! He has been on strong antibiotics since Thursday afternoon! We are praying that he makes a full and speedy recovery! 

Uncle Steve seems to be in great spirits! Thankfully, he is receiving great care! we know the Great Physician is able to step in to heal him completely!

I know our readers know how to pray.  You all have helped us pray through many hard times! On behalf of Uncle Steve and Aunt Karen and all of our family, I say thank you for the prayers!



  1. Thank you Odie and Kelly Jo! I appreciate your prayers and those of the saints. The Lord met me me here this morning with a great peace.

    1. Praise the Lord for his visitation and peace! We love you so much!!

  2. Praying for our dear friends Steve and Karen. ❤️ So glad to hear

  3. Sorry, I accidentally sent that other comment before it was finished. We're praying for our dear friends Steve and Karen. ❤️ So glad to hear God met him this morning! Karen M

  4. Praying for our dear friends! Love you guys. See you down the road.

  5. We will be praying for Bro Steve!!!


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