Thursday, February 13, 2025

Throwback Thursday 2/13/25

 Hey Friends,

Thank you for joining me for Throwback Thursday! For today's installment, I have one of my favorite memories! This one actually comes with a video clip. 

I hope you enjoy watching the video. Then, I will tell you the rest of the story.

Several years ago, we were in Alabama. We had spent the day around Mobile spending time with friends.

Dad and Bro. Scott Morris were in rare form that day. I literally thought they were gonna get us kicked out of Dirt Cheap store with their crazy antics! It was hilarious!

I had just been given my first wheelchair scooter. I was learning how to use it. Dad decided to take the seat off and have a little fun. This is where wheelchair surfing was born!

We all laughed until we hurt and cried! It was hilarious! A police officer was circling the parking lot, keeping a close eye on us. I am not sure what he thought was going on!

I know this video quality is not the best. But we were all laughing too hard to worry about video quality in the moment.

Oh, I am so glad that we captured this moment! Dad, thank you for the great memory! You were always the life of the party! I love your sense of humor. Thank you for teaching me to laugh and love life!

Bro. Scott pulled this out of the archives in November and we have all laughed over this several times!

Thank you for reading. I hope this throwback moment brought a smile to your face! 



  1. Wonderful memory! 🤣❤️ Karen M

  2. KJo/Odie,
    This throwback moment certainly did bring us a great big smile, Thank & Love Y’ALL!!
    The Shifletts.


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