Monday, March 3, 2025

Happy 75th Birthday Bro. Kenny Morris

 Hey Friends,

We had a wonderful weekend on our Mississippi trip. I will post pictures and details later. We had a busy few days, and as I type this post, I am getting ready to fall into bed on Sunday night. 

Today, we attended two fabulous church services! Sunday morning, we attended First Assembly in Richton, Mississippi. It was great to see all of our precious friends there! Pastor Scott Morris preached excellently. The Lord used him to speak to my soul! 

Sunday evening, we visited First Assembly in Ellisville, Mississippi. Pastor Kenny Morris and the congregation welcomed us with open arms and loved on us!  We have visited their church around this time of year for many years. It is great to be back with them!

Bro. Rogers Luke is preaching revival there this week. He preached a wonderful message, and the altar service was excellent! 

Pastor. Kenny Morris celebrated his 75th birthday yesterday! Happy Birthday, Bro. Kenny, aka Granddaddy!

It We have been celebrating his birthdays with him for many years. This year was no exception! I am so glad that we were able to be there to love on him a little bit yesterday. 

Bro. Kenny and his family have been like family to us. We are so grateful to have them in our lives!
their friendship has been blessing to us. We love all of them!

Thanks for reading! See you next time.


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