Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ikea Memory For Throwback Thursday

 Hey Friends,

Thanks for stopping by to visit. We greatly appreciate you spending some valuable time with us! I hope you are having a good day.

Yesterday, we rested from our travels. In the afternoon, we ventured out of hibernation. After getting ready, food called us. 

We found our way to Panda Express. Dinner was scrumptious and hit the spot! Here is a picture of my plate.

It was a beautiful day to be out and about. We enjoyed the sunshine and warm temperatures. I will enjoy it, while it is here!

Then we journeyed to Ikea. Mom and I had been wanting to go take our time looking around the store. 
Both of us were looking for storage solutions. 

It was great to explore all the different options. We both decided on some cube shelves for now.

I captured this picture outside the store. I love seeing the moon so bright. 

While shopping we remembered a family trip to Ikea. It happened, June 1 2018, we took Dad to Ikea for the first time. 

I had just received occupancy of my house. I needed furnnishing for my new home.  We went to buy my bed, a few chairs and storage for my closest. 

Dad enjoyed looking around at all the furniture and stuff for a while. Then he wanted out of the store right now! Dad did not like the maze you have to follow to get out of the store. 

Dad said he like the stuff I chose. He was really a fan of the prices, quality of the ítems and choices offered. He was not a fan of pulling the boxes of furniture that I wanted off the shelves, downstairs before checking out of the store. 

On the way home from Ikea that day, Dad declared, ”I have made my first and my last trip to Ikea”! He was right! that was the only time he was at the store.

Once we got home, he was really not a fan of having to put everything together. I remember that night it took several people three hours to put my queen size bed together. All these years later, it's still standing!

He often said you and your Mother can go to Ikea as much as you want. I will not go with you, and you have to put everything together.

Yesterday, Mom and I had a to laugh when we thought about that memory. Daddy never did go back to Ikea. 

My mom has helped me assemble every piece of Ikea furniture we have added to my house since then. She enjoys it and works quickly to get the job done! Now we have a few more items to put together.

Something else I thought about, Dad no longer needs storage solutions or neat affordable furniture. He will never have to look for another perfect thing. He no longer has a need to put any furniture together. Where my Dad lives now everything is just right!
Heaven grows much sweeter each day! 

Daddy, I can not wait to see you again! Thank you for a treasure trove of great memories! We think of you every day, and love and miss you! You are forever in our hearts!

See you tomorrow!



  1. I knew I liked your dad and we shared several things in common. I will add feelings about IkEA to the list now! I went ONE time to the store near Denver. No plans to return. You can ask Priscilla. See you down the road.

    1. Yet, just another thing that you share in common with my Daddy. No wonder you guys got along, so good! Love you, All. See you down the road, I wonder where it will be!?


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