Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Odie’s 2025 Vacation Day 4

 Hey Friends,

I hope you are having a good day! Let's rewind to January and relive some of my vacation.

Day two of Singing at Sea 2025 was a sea day. We enjoyed a relaxing day of music, food, sun and repeat as the ship sailed along. The weather was good, and we were happy. 

We had a meet up with our host group 11th Hour. It was great to visit with them and hear some of what was going on in their lives. Miss Amber checked in via phone. She was home with her three week old baby girl.

Garrett and Victoria and Victoria’s sister Rachel did great all week of the cruise. 11th Hour are a great host group for the Singing at Sea!

Tuesday was Captain’s night. Nicole and I enjoyed getting dressed up for the occasion. 

Here are the rest of Tuesday’s pictures! I hope you enjoy!

Bumped into Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary. We passed each other coming and going all week. 

I got to see so many great friends during the cruise. We got to have dinner each night with Bro. Ron and Sis. Deb Conner. We had a blast together!

That wraps up day 4. See you next time. 



  1. Oh this looks so wonderful! I'm drooling over the food - and the music looks like it was amazing! - Bekah


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