
Mission Giving

This Mission Giving Button provides a way for people to give directly to Boggs Family Ministries, Inc. in their preferred manner. We DO NOT expect anyone to give. Please feel no pressure at all to do so.

We hesitated to add a Giving button on Mile Markers because we do not want people to think we are twisting their arms to donate. God has always used His people to provide for our legitimate ministry and family needs without us having to beg or coerce people to give. If God guides us to an area of ministry then we trust Him to provide a way for us to do it. He Always Does.

IF you choose to give to Boggs Family Ministries, Inc then you should know we are recognized by the IRS as a 501c3 not-for-profit ministry. Your contribution to our ministry may have valuable tax benefits for you.  In such regard, however, you should consult your personal tax adviser with respect to tax deductions and any limitations of such deductions, which may impact your tax return.

If your gift is for a specific project such as the GoodNews Christian School in Nigeria, please indicate that and 100% of what you give will go directly and exclusively toward its purpose in Nigeria.

God bless you all. 


  1. I absolutely love to be able to donate this way. I'm sooo glad you got this set up. It's so easy and I can slip money from my pocket to yours at anytime irregardless of where you are at. You all are doing great, keep it up. I believe that God is gonna do great things because of your faithfulness and tireless efforts for His kingdom!!

  2. Thanks, friend. I appreciate your love for our family and belief in our ministry. God bless you for it.


  3. I sure miss you my brother. We are anxious for you to get back to Ellisville

    1. We miss our friends/family in Ellisville. We will be together soon, by God's grace.



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